
    Abstract  With the continuous development of society, social status of women and self-value has received recognition and been improved. The view on marriage will directly affect the quality of life and their life after marriage. In China and west, two popular dating shows Fei Cheng Wu Rao and Take Me Out, caused a strong reaction in the society owing to their high ratings and the primacy problems they reflect. From representative analysis of the two dating programs in China and west, the essay tries to explore the changes of feminism consciousness, the different views on marriage between the Chinese and western women’s views on marriage. The purpose of this essay is to find the differences between Chinese and western women from several aspects such as views on economic basis, external condition, inner qualities and developing potentials through the female images and their final choices in the two shows. And the essay also explores the influential factors of the different views on marriage.They are the traditional views and the male chauvinism, the degree of economic development, the development of social system, values, the relationship between work and life and parent stress.54562

    Keywords: differences; views on marriage; female; dating show

    摘要 随着社会的不断发展,女性的社会地位及自我价值已经得到了重视和提高。在生活中,女性的婚恋观将直接影响结婚后的生活质量和生活状态。中西方的两个大型婚恋交友节目《非诚勿扰》和 Take Me Out ,以其收视率高、反映问题普遍在社会上引起了强烈反响,本文就从这两个中西方有代表性的婚恋交友类节目入手分析,探讨女性意识的变迁,中西方女性婚恋观有何不同.本论文的主旨是从经济基础,外部条件,内在品质,发展潜力等方面对中西方女性婚恋观的差异进行探讨。该论文还从深层次继续探讨了导致这些方面差异的原因,他们是传统思想和男权主义,经济发展程度,社会制度的发展,女性价值观,工作和生活的关系,父母的压力等。



    1.Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Differences of Views on Marriage Reflected in the Shows 3

    3.1 Views on economic basis 4

    3.2 Views on external condition 4

    3.3 Views on inner quality 5

    3.4 Views on developing potentials 5

    4. Influential Factors of the Differences 6

    4.1 The traditional view and the male chauvinism 6

    4.2 The degree of economic development 7

    4.3 The development of social system 7

    4.4 Values of women 8

    4.5 The relationship between work and life 8

    4.6 Parent stress 9

    5. Conclusion 9

    Works Cited...10

    1. Introduction

         Take me out, a famous dating show in Britain, was brought to the United States in 2012 by Fox. The premiere was on June 7, 2012 in the United States and Canada. The ratings reached to 3.3 million.The aim of the show is to let each male guest get a chance to make an appointment with a female.There are 30 women standing on the stage in each session of the show.After the male guest showing short videos he prepared before the show, he can make a performance such as playing the music instruments to attract women’s attention. During the performance, female guest can turn off the lights at anytime they want. If there are still lights on after 3 rounds, he can ask questions to the female guest he want to make appointment with. Finally he should make the choice to determine which woman he want to date with.

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