
    Numerous scholars conducted relevant researches at home and abroad. Li Yani finds out the reasons why learners commit so many vocabulary errors can be summarized as follows: on one hand, native learners lack the knowledge of the differences between mother tongue and a second language; on the other hand, learners use the literal meaning to translate without considering the context (Li Yani, 2012:78). She also gives some strategies to reduce the interference of mother tongue, but the deficiency is that the causes of transfer errors at the lexical level are not fully analyzed. Furthermore, the suggestions focused on improving teaching methods but neglected the roles of learners themselves. Hao Qian studied the negative transfer of mother tongue on English vocabulary acquisition (Hao Qian, 2011:11). She thought that the transfer of mother tongue can be deemed as the transfer of culture and word-using habits, but she only analyzed the interference from lexical meanings including cultural and referential meanings. How to reduce the interference of mother tongue on English vocabulary has not been put forward in her paper. Another scholar Wang Dongxia discussed the interference of lexical meanings and improper words collocation, but she neglected the interference of part of speech (Wang Dongxia, 2005:18). In the study, she makes a conclusion that the transfer of mother tongue is unavoidable. The positive transfer of mother tongue facilitates English learning, but negative transfer causes difficulties for language learners. Thus this paper will discuss the interference of mother tongue on English vocabulary from three aspects: interference of the part of speech, lexical meanings and improper words collocation. Besides, study strategies including strengthening comparative analysis, reciting the words and utilizing the positive transfer of mother tongue will be also put forward.

  1. 上一篇:从英语新课标要求浅谈中学英语阅读教学方法
  2. 下一篇:浅析《喧嚣与骚动》中杰生性格形成的原因
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