
    Abstract  Homosexuality has long been painted a layer of mystery. Owing to the different cultural background and social customs, the attitudes to homosexuality are different between China and America. Based on the former studies of Homosexuality and other analysis of the movie The Wedding Banquet, this thesis is to analyze the differences of Chinese and American attitudes to homosexuality from the scripts, the plots of the movie and the actions of the characters. In order to help readers have a better understanding of the different attitudes to homosexuality, the thesis also probes the influential factors which cause the differences, including value of family, value of marriage and cultural background. The thesis aims to improve the understanding and communication of different cultures between Chinese and American by analyzing the different attitudes to homosexuality on the basis of The Wedding Banquet. 55666

    Keywords: homosexuality; The Wedding Banquet; differences of attitude 




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 Studies on homosexuality 2

    2.2 Studies on The Wedding Banquet 3

    3. Different Attitudes Reflected in the Movie to Homosexuality 3

    3.1 Different attitudes reflected in the plots 4

    3.2 Different attitudes reflected in the actors' lines 5

    3.3 Different attitudes reflected in the actions 6

    4. The Influential Factors of Different Attitudes to Homosexuality 6

    4.1 Value of family 7

    4.2 Value of marriage 8

    4.3 Cultural background 9

    5. Conclusion 10

    Works Cited 11

    1. Introduction 

         Homosexuality is a phenomenon that a person who is sexually attached to people of the same sex. Homosexuality is a social phenomenon with a long history. It has always been hidden in the society. In some countries, it is regarded as a taboo subject. However, the phenomenon of homosexuality has always existing since ancient times. The attitudes of Chinese and Western people to homosexuality vary a lot. In western countries, people show more tolerance and respect while people in China can’t completely understood and accepted. 

         The Wedding Banquet, a very famous film directed by Ang Lee, a Chinese director, was released in 1993. It tells a story among Gao Weitong, Simon, Weiwei, Mr. and Mrs. Gao. Gao Weitong, a Taiwanese youth, cohabits with his American boyfriend Simon in the Unit States. Although Gao Weitong is a Chinese, he has lived in the Unite States for several years. Hence, to some extent, Gao Weitong’s ideas and concepts are influenced by American cultures. Simon is native-born American. Weiwei who is a Chinese female artist lives in the house of Gao Weitong in the Unit States. She is a modern independent woman, whose thoughts are also influenced by American cultures. Gao Weitong is always urged to get married by his traditional Chinese parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gao. Under the pressure, Gao Weitong and Simon want Weiwei to pretend to marry Gao Weitong. Finally, Mr. and Mrs. Gao come to United States to attend their son’s wedding. They have to accept the fact his son is a gay as well. 

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