
    Abstract  As the crystallization of the traditional culture, American university motto embodies the core values in American higher education and the society in general, thus constitutes important research topics. However, a review of the current status quo shows that most of the studies concerned are either static, or sectional, hence unable to offer a fair panorama of American university mottoes, even less how they have evolved in the history of American higher education. 55667

    Therefore, the present study focuses on the core values of American higher education and the different characteristics as reflected in each stage of higher education development. Statistics show that historically the core values embraced by the American university mottoes include knowledge, belief, science and so on, but there are differences in different stages. In the colonial period, the core values are the belief in God and the pursuit of a bright life. In the period from War of Independence to the Civil War, besides of religion, core values as reflected in American university mottoes are mainly democracy, freedom and knowledge. From the Civil War to World War II, on the basis of emphasizing knowledge, universities also lay much stress on scientific research and the concept of equality. After World War II, science and knowledge become main streams in universities. By referring to available, suitable and perspective parts of American university mottoes, Chinese universities can improve and reform their mottoes, making universities play a greater role in the development of China.

    Key words: America; university motto; university value; different stage 

    摘要  作为传统文化的积淀,美国大学校训反映了高校的价值理念和美国的价值体系,也是许多学者研究的重要课题。但是目前的相关研究大多属于静态的,阶段性的,无法概括美国大学校训的全貌,更无法揭示其演进的本质。




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Research Methods 2

    3.1 Data Collection 2

    3.2 Data Analysis 3

    4. Findings 3

    4.1 Core Values 3

    4.2 Characteristics of American University Mottoes In Different Stages.. 5

    4.2.1 College Values in the Colonial Period 5

    4.2.2 University Values in the Period from War of Independence to Civil War................7

    4.2.3 University Values in the Period from Civil War to World War II 10

    4.2.4 University Values in the Period after World War II 13

    5. Conclusion 16

    Works Cited 18

    1. Introduction

    University motto is an important part of the cultural system of the university. It reflects the value what a university pursuits during a certain time. Although the history of USA is not long, it can be pided into several important stages. Important events that happened in each stage gave birth to dominant values. Under the guidance of dominant values, American university values have achieved continuous development. 

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