
    Abstract Language plays an important role in society, and it can reflect every aspect of human society. Language, as a cultural carrier, is the product of social development, reflecting the social culture, custom and way of thinking in a certain period of time. Therefore, sexual discrimination in language is the reflection of gender discrimination in social culture. This thesis intends to give an analysis of sexual discrimination in the English language from the aspects of vocabulary, grammar, semantics, appellation and proverb,and tries to probe into the shaping factors of this social phenomenon from three aspects: culture, labor pision and socialization. Then, this thesis will give two solutions to the phenomenon.55671

    Keywords: the English Language; sexual discrimination; social phenomenon




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3. Sexual Discrimination Embodied in English 3

    3.1 Vocabulary 3

    3.2 Grammar. 4

    3.3 Semantics. 5

    3.4 Appellation. 6

    3.5 Proverb. 7

    4. Contributing Factors of Sexual Discrimination in English 7

    4.1 Culture 8

    4.2 Labor Division 8

    4.3 Socialization 9

    5. Possible Solutions to the Phenomenon 10

    5.1 Reduce the Use of Sexist Language 10

    5.2 Government Efforts 12

    6. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 14

     1. Introduction 

    Language is a powerful leverage on the progress and development of culture, which is a part of culture. On the contrary, culture has a vital influence on the development of language. Language is an important tool to express people’s thoughts and attitudes. Therefore, language is closely linked with people’s attitudes and views.

    As sexism is a hidden aspect of society, sexist language is often used unconsciously. Sexual discrimination is a form of discrimination or devaluation of a person’s sex. It is inpidual views and the reflection of social and culture value (Macionis, 1988: 298) “Sexual difference and discrimination reflected in English language are not decided by the symbolic nature of language itself, but a natural reflection of the values and way of thinking of a specific society in language.”(Song Hongbo, 2004: 64) Language itself is like a colorless canvas. It is added with colors by language users on the basis of their own faith and views. Sexism in language reflects sexual discrimination hidden in the society and people’s mind. In other words, sexual discrimination is hidden in the society. Thus, since the study on language can make us have a better understanding of the society and culture and use English correctly, the study on sexual discrimination in the English language will help us know more about women’s social status in the west.

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