
    Abstract The relationship between Chinese immigrant mothers and American-born daughters in The Joy Luck Club is a process ranging from mothers and daughters’ misunderstanding with each other at the first beginning, then the unavoidable collision, later communications and understanding, and finally, to the mutual acceptation and integration between them. The conflict of Chinese American mothers and daughters means the collision between Chinese culture and that of the America. Daughters imbibed the spirit of Chinese culture through mothers’ love stories, which shows the best wishes that Chinese culture and American culture can be evolved from misunderstanding and colliding to understanding, accepting and finally reconciling through communication. The paper shows that the description of Chinese American’s mother-daughter relationship reveals the real life situation of Chinese Americans on one hand, and Chinese Americans adjust their cultural identities in American society and find their ways to develop themselves on the other. Hence, the only means to gain success in American is to combine the preservation of Chinese conventions with the acceptance with American advanced culture. 56288

    Keywords: The Joy Luck Club; The relationship of mothers and daughters; Cultural conflict; Integrate




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    3. Cultural Conflict of Mother-daughter Relationship 3

    3.1 Chinese Obedience to Parents and American Independence 3

    3.2 Chinese High-Context Culture and American Low-Context Culture 4

    3.3 Family’s Honor and Inpidual Achievement 5

    4. Factors Leading to Contradictions and Conflicts 7

    4.1 The View of Life and Value 7

    4.2 “Self ” and “Others” 8

    4.3 The Family Education 10

    5. The Integration of Mother-daughter Relationship 11

    5.1 The Mother’s Understanding of Her Daughter 11

    5.2 The Daughter’s Understanding of Her Mother 12

    5.3 From Conflict to Fusion 13

    6. Conclusion 16

    Works Cited 18

     1. Introduction 

    Amy Tan, a famous American and ethnic Chinese writer, was born in Auckland in California, America in 1952. She first began to write novels at the age of 33, and her first Novel The Joy Luck Club was published in 1989, which find her a way to reputation. The Joy Luck Club, a description of the subtle passions between mothers and daughters, not only gained the annual national Volume Prize, but also was transferred to films, which created a high box office value. The Joy Luck Club is made up of sixteen stories about the lives and relationships of four family’s Chinese immigrant mothers and American-born daughters. 

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