
    Abstract Film, as a type of modern cultural entertainment, plays a very important role in our daily life. Film subtitle translation is an important factor for the success of the film itself. Subtitled films can not only provide maximal information in short time, but also satisfy the audience who want to enjoy the original sound in films. The film Kongfu Panda tells a story of a clumsy panda  who only aspire to be a Kungfu Master under Chinese background. The landscape, scenery, costumes and even the food is full of Chinese elements. The film can not be popular without the successful subtitle translation. Domestication and foreignization theory proposed by Lawrence Venuti have guiding significance to the translation of the kind of films with Chinese factors. This thesis aims to discuss the translation of an American animated film Kungfu Panda from the perspective of domestication and foreignization and show how these two strategies work in the subtitle translation.56289

    Keywords: domestication; foreignization; film; subtitle translation




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 The Definition of Domestication and Foreignization 2

    2.2 Previous Studies on Film Subtitle Translation 2

    3. Domestication and Foreignization in Film Kungfu Panda Subtitle  Translation 3

    3.1 The Features of Film Subtitle Translation 4

    3.2 Analysis on the Strategy of Domestication and Foreignization in the Subtitle Translation of Film Kungfu Panda 5

    4. Conclusion 9

    Works Cited 10

    1. Introduction 

         With the accelerated process of globalization, people’s living standards and the constant improvement of the aesthetic temperament and interest, English movies play an important role in our lives. Domestication and foreignization theory is systematically proposed by Lawrence Venuti, but the term of domestication and foreignization is directly originated from the German thinker Schleiermacher’s speech On the Different Methods of Translating, putting forward that foreignization is “an approach the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him, while domestication is one that the translator leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him.” (Schleiermacher, 1992: 41) American translation theorist Nida once said, “translation is the communication between the two cultures. For truly successful translation, familiar with two cultures is even more important than the mastery of two languages.” (Nida,  1993: 110) 源'自:优尔-'论/文'网"www.youerw.com

         As language is the carrier of culture, translation is the bridge of intercultural communication. Without translation, communication and infiltration of different cultures between different countries and nationalities is impossible. In recent years, the domestic audience learn more about the western films, which is mainly resulted in the grand scenes of the film, high production quality of film and perfect performance of the actors, in successful translation of translators in the transmission of culture as well. This paper mainly discuss the translation of Kungfu Panda from the perspective of domestication and foreignization and to show how these two strategies work in the subtitle translation.

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