
         He is a crazy avenger, to exhaust tormented his enemies and his children by all the way. This hatred is like a cancer, and increasingly enlarges to cover up the original pure heart over time. He also conceals his kindness and gives birth to the ugly side of human nature. Therefore, Heathcliff was bestial against humanity. It shaped a cloudy, cruel, mad and evil figure, Heathcliff, the hero of Wuthering Heights.源'自:优尔-'论/文'网"www.youerw.com

    3.2 Death of Mental Support 

        To Heathcliff, the most significant thing in his heart is Catherine. Everything he does is for Catherine. Due to the different environment of growth, Catherine’s pride and vanity makes her get married to Edgar Linton. Heathcliff hates and takes revenge to Edgar. In Heathcliff’s world, Catherine was his moral support. When Catherine is ill, Heathcliff says to her: “Catherine, you know that I could as forget you as my existence!”(Bronte, 1985: 231) He is so sad with bitter hatred, but everything cannot be returned again. When they reunion again, they are all so happy to see each other, but Catherine Earnshaw has married to Hindley Earnshaw, which makes Heathcliff miserable. He hurts Catherine Earnshaw's brother, Hindley Earnshaw; he gets Wuthering Heights, he marries Isabella, all of which are deeply destroyes Catherine. Heathcliff forces Catherine Earnshaw into a dilemma. She pleads with Heathcliff, but Heathcliff rejects her. Catherine Earnshaw is sick and she chooses to die to get rid of Heathcliff. This time, Heathcliff really loses Catherine Earnshaw, and he can never meet her again, which means the breakdown of Heathcliff's spiritual world. This attack is a big damage. From now on, the only support that makes Heathcliff to live is the revenge and even he would like that Catherine’s soul can find him and brings him away. He loses his mind and cannot control his temper. The most terrible thing is the fall of the spiritual pillar, and Heathcliff has no direction since then.  

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