
    Abstract After the birth of humanity, people keep close relationship with animals. Owing to our frequent contact with animals, the images of animals have been rooted in our culture and communication. The connotations of animal words are always used in literary and daily communication in China and English-speaking countries. Moreover, language and culture are closely related with each other, with the latter indispensable to the former. Cultural differences produce similarities and differences in expression. Therefore, animals boast distinct cultural attributes. Some animal words have the same meanings in two languages while others have different connotations.57070

    The main body of this thesis comprises three parts. The first part has three sections that explore from different perspectives the factors producing cultural connotations of animal words. The second part presents five examples of animal words with the same or different cultural connotations in both Chinese and English. The last part presents methods for translation of animal words into English. 

    Keywords: animal words;cultural difference;cross-cultural translation





    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    2.1 Culture and Translation 1

    2.2 Cultural Connotations of Animal Words 2

    2.3. Research Value and Research Approach 2

    3. Factors to Produce Cultural Connotations of Animal Words 3

    3.1 Geographical Environment 3

    3.2 Customs 4

    3.3 History 4

    4. The Similarities and Differences of Chinese and English Animal Words 5

    4.1Similarities 5

    4.2 Differences 8

    5. The Cross-Cultural Translation of Animal Words 9

    5.1 Translation of Animal Words with Overlap in Connotation 9

    5.2 Translation of Animal Words with Different Cultural Connotations 10

    6. Conclusion 12

    Works Cited 13 

    1. Introduction 

    Language and culture are both two important patterns in cross-cultural translation, which are related to each other. It is said that language is, which is formed and influenced by culture, reflection of culture. They coexist .For one thing, language is main medium of culture. Without language, no one could find the best way to convey the information between two nations. For another thing, culture is a broader system that includes language as subsystem.

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