
    Abstract With the development of economic globalization, Chinese and western cultural exchange gradually increase, Idioms, as the essence of Chinese and western culture, has attracted more and more attention. In order to further promote the progress of cross-cultural communication, the study on the translation of idioms is of great significance. This paper aims to analyze the translation of idioms from the prospective of culture. It attempts to introduce some methods in idiom translation. This paper is pided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. The second part is about the definition and origins of the idioms. The third part introduces the cultural differences reflected in the Chinese and English idioms, including the natural environments, historical backgrounds, customs and religious beliefs. The fourth part discusses the solution to the problems in idiom translation: domestication and foreignization. At last, the fifth part is the conclusion.

    Key words: cultural difference; idiom; idiom translation57069




    1.Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 1

    3.About Idioms 3

    3.1 Definition of idioms 3

    3.2 Origins of idioms 3

    4.Cultural Differences Reflected in Chinese and English Idioms 4

    4.1 Differences in natural environments 4

    4.2 Differences in historical backgrounds 5

    4.3 Differences in customs 6

    4.4 Differences in religious beliefs 7

    5.Cultural Adaptation to Idiom Translation 8

    5.1 Domestication 8

    5.2 Foreignization 10

    6.Conclusion 11

    Works Cited 13


    As a part of language, idioms are fixed form in the development of language, including set phrases, sayings, proverbs, colloquialisms, allusions and slangs. Both Chinese and English are rich in idioms. When people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other, they must find out that there are a lot of differences between them. With the globalization, people from various cultural backgrounds begin to interact with each other. In their communication, they will inevitably use these idioms, which contain a large amount of cultural characteristics and backgrounds, ranging from geography, climate, agriculture, history to economy, relationship and morality. Under this circumstance, people may find it hard to understand each other sometimes. To communicate with each other better and avoid misunderstanding and embarrassment, we have to be familiar with these differences, especially in the translation of idioms, which are widely used in our daily life. How to translate these idioms correctly will influence other people's point of view towards our country and culture.

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