    Abstract Skopos Theory came into being in Germany in the 1970s. After it was published, it has been widely applied in various fields of translation, and has a good effect on the practice of translation. Scholars who study on Skopos Theory consider that translation is a purposeful action. It is a cross-cultural activity, and the purpose of translation determines the strategies adopted.  As an art form,  film and television works  are one of the most  influential  media. The rapid development of mass media has made the culture of various countries communicate with each other in the form of multimedia. Therefore, subtitle translation becomes increasingly important.  It  is different from other forms of literary translation. In translation, it has its distinct features in many aspects. In addition, there are a large number of cultural defaults in subtitle translation, which aims to improve the communicative effect or modification effect of the original movie. However, if the translator cannot compensate those cultural defaults, he will make the target audience puzzled.  This  paper  is to analyze the subtitle translation of the movie Mulan  systematically and deeply, which aims to prove that subtitle translation is a purposeful activity and thus demonstrating how it should be carried out with compensation strategies. 57157
     Key words: Skopos Theory, equivalence, subtitle translation, Mulan
    摘要 19 世纪 70 年代翻译的目的论在德国诞生。随后,许多翻译领域的译者在进行翻译工作时都将目的论运用于其中。并且在翻译实践中取得了良好的效果。专注研究目的论的学者认为,一切翻译活动都是有目的的。 同时也指出了翻译中所采用的策略和方法必须依赖于翻译目的。   随着当代社会大众媒体的快速发展,各国通过多媒体的形式传递文化,相互交流。字幕翻译工作也随着文化的交流变得越来越重要。字幕翻译属于文学翻译,但又不仅仅只是文学翻译。它不同于其他的文学翻译,有着极为显著的特点。译者在翻译时,往往会受到很多方面的因素影响。这些因素都给字幕翻译工作者增加了不小的难度。除此之外,译者在翻译时会遇到许多文化缺省现象。由于各国的文化大不相同,如果译者在翻译时无法对这些文化缺省现象做出适当地补偿,那么,这将会给读者留下许多疑惑。  本论文建立在目的论的基础上,对迪士尼电影《花木兰》的字幕翻译进行研究与分析,目的是为了证明字幕翻译是一种有目的的行为。在处理文化缺省这一现象时,译者应该采取恰当的方法对字幕中存在的文化缺省现象进行翻译补偿,从而达到预期的翻译目的。       


















    1 Introduction As an art form,  film and television works  are one of the most  influential  media. The rapid development of mass media has made the culture of various countries communicate with each other in the form of multimedia. Therefore, subtitle translation becomes increasingly important. Subtitling translation is an emerging field in the study of translation. In the west countries, studies on subtitle translation have been carried out comparatively extensively and intensively. By contrast, the  study in China started relatively late. As a kind of literary translation, subtitle translation is different from other forms of literary translation.  In translation, it has its distinct features in many aspects. In addition, there are a large number of cultural defaults in subtitle translation, which aims to improve the communicative effect or modification effect of the original movie. However, if the  translator does not compensate those cultural defaults, he will make readers puzzled, because  there are large cultural differences between countries.  According to Skopos Theory, translation is a purposeful action. It is a cross-cultural activity. The criterion of translation is “adequate” rather than “equivalent”. This paper is  to analyze the subtitle translation of the movie  Mulan  systematically and deeply, which aims to prove that subtitle translation is a purposeful activity and thus demonstrating how it should be carried out. In translation, the translator uses various and flexible translation strategies to achieve cohesion so as to achieve the purpose of subtitle translation.  This  paper  altogether  includes five chapters. Chapter one  gives  a general introduction to Skopos 源Y自Z优尔W.论~文'网·www.youerw.com

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