    AbstractIn the age of globalization, every inpidual is unprecedentedly given a variety of opportunities tocommunicate with foreigners, rendering second language acquisition (SLA) a vital factor in thisprocess. In most of academic studies on SLA in the past several decades, emphasis was mainly puton children’s SLA in that it was believed that young learners were prone to learn a second language.However, nowadays, adults’ SLA is attracting more and more attention because of the distinctivecharacteristics of the adults.In the studies of SLA, a distinction is made between acquisition and learning by Krashen (1981,1982) in his Input Hypothesis. Acquisition is seen as a subconscious process in which the learnersare using language for communication, while learning, on the contrary, is a conscious process inwhich learners pay attention to understanding and memorizing the language rules.(c.f. ChengXinhua, 2008:128 ) In this paper, I will compare and illustrate the differences between adults’ SLAand children’s SLA, and then resort to Krashen’s Input Hypothesis Model to analysize the learningprocess and acquisition process of adults’ SLA respectively, trying to propose a new teaching modelfor adults’ SLA in the hope of making adults’ advantages to the full and improve the effectivenessof adults’ SLA.The paper falls into six parts. The first part serves as an introduction. The second part is taken as theliterature review, focusing on the study related to my study. The third part aims at probing into thecurrent situation of adults’ SLA in China and discussing the differences between adults’ SLA andchildren’s SLA. The fourth part exploits the Input Hypothesis Model proposed by Krashen and putsforward a new language teaching model catering for adults. The fifth part shows a reflection onboth advantages and disadvantages of the new model. The sixth part functions as a conclusion.57143
    KeyWords: adults’ SLA, Input Hypothesis, acquisition, learning, language teaching model



    Abstract. ii

    摘要.. iii

    1 Introduction....1

    2 Literatue Review5

    3 Adults’ Second Language Acquisition .9

    3.1 Current Situation of Adults’ SLA in China.....9

    3.2 Difference between Adults’ SLA and Children’s SLA...11

    4Adults’ SLA Guided by Kranshen’s Input Hypothesis Model15

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