
    Thecharacteristics relevant to inpidual differences could be pided into three broad categories:cognitive factors, personality factors and affective factors, most of which manifests the distinctionof adults in SLA ( Cheng Xinhua, 2008: 152).In 1979, Krashen put forward the Monitor Hypothesis as an account of SLA. This hypothesis isregarded as one of the most important theory in SLA, and it is taken as the theoretical basis in thispaper. This hypothesis expended into the Input Hypothesis which consists of five hypothesis: (1) theInput Hypothesis (2) the Acquisition/Learning Acquisition (3) the Monitor Hypothesis (4) theNatural Order Hypothesis (5) the Affective Filter Hypothesis. Among the five hypothesis of greatsignificance, the acquisition/learning hypothesis is perhaps the most fundamental one. 源Y自Z优尔W.论~文'网·www.youerw.com Itdistinguishes two distinct process in second and foreign language development. One, called as“acquisition” is considered as a subconscious process that occurs when learners are using thelanguage for communication, rather than depending on the teaching of grammatical rules. Thesecond process, called “learning”, on the contrary, is a conscious process that occurs when thelearners pay attention to language in an effort to understand and memorize rules.
    The SLA study has been carried out for decades and many representative theories were also putforward during the process. However, they are seldom directly linked to the teaching method ofSLA, particularly adults’ SLA, which aroused my interest in that area. So l hope I could make somecontributions to fill the gap to put forward a feasible language teaching method for adults, on thegrounds of combining the distinctive characteristics of adults with Krashen’s Input Hypothesis.In this paper, it mainly analyzes the difference between children’s SLA and adults’ SLA todemonstrate the distinctive characteristics the adults possess in SLA. These distinctivecharacteristics could be taken as advantages for adults in SLA, to some extent, helping them acquirea second language more easily. Then it will clearly explain the difference between acquisition andlearning proposed by the well-known linguist, Krashen. The concepts of acquisition and learning, ifapplied to second language teaching method, will exert great influence on the acquisition of asecond language.
    Thus, this paper will resort to Krashen’s Input Hypothesis to put forward alanguage teaching method for adults which makes adults’ advantage to the full in SLA.The new language teaching model takes the most important distinction between learning andacquisition into account, so it pides the whole class of 90 minutes into three parts: the consciouslearning part with 30 minutes, subconscious practice with 45 minutes, and reflection part with 15minutes. The conscious learning part aims to impart necessary language knowledge to the adults.Due to their advantages in understanding and digesting knowledge, the adult students could have abrilliant command through the teachers’ instructions. The conscious learning is the premise of thesubconscious practice. In this part, the class is expected to create an environment for adults to makethe learnt knowledge into practical use, leading to the acquisition. The last part is the reflection,making use of the monitoring function of the teachers and students themselves. The teachers arerequired to observe the students’ performance during the previous practice and comment on it inthis part, making students to reflect the advantages and deficiency of the language acquisition. Thusthe adult students could progressively acquire the language.

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