Abstract With the enhancement of cultural communications, more and more foreign films are introduced into the China and held an important position in Chinese market. Translation provides the Chinese with the opportunity to appreciate the western films. Film titles have an influential impact on the film, because good versions can arouse audiences’ attention and become the driving force of watching films. Based on the skopos rule, the most important rule in skopos theory, this thesis regards that it is highly needed for the translator to use the flexible translation methods to achieve the purpose of target text. To service for the purpose, the translated versions of the film titles should realize the informative, cultural, aesthetic, and commercial function of film title.59095

Key words: film title translation; skopos theory; function  

随着国际间文化交流的加强, 越来越多的外国电影进入中国市场并在其中扮演者重要角色。翻译使得中国观众有机会去欣赏这些外国电影。电影片名的翻译对这些外国电影很重要,因为翻译精彩的电影片名可以吸引观众,成为一个推动力去促使观众去观看电影。本篇论文尝试以目的论三个原则中最重要的目的原则为理论基础,认为为了实现电影片名的翻译目的,译好的电影片名应该实现电影片名的信息功能,文化功能,审美功能和商业功能。


1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review1

2.1 Review on Skopos Theory....1

2.2 Review on Film Title Translation....3

3. Application of Skopos Rule to English Film Title Translation4

3.1 Realization of Informative Function...................5

3.2 Realization of Cultural Function.............................6

3.3 Realization of Aesthetic Function ..............................8

3.4 Realization of Commercial Function..............9

4.  Conclusion..10

Works Cited...12

 1. Introduction 

With the development of the economy, people become more and more rich. At the same time, more and more entertainment are offered for people to choose. With the continuous communication between Chinese and western cultures, a great many excellent English movies are introduced into domestic market. As one of the most charming mass media, these films convey abundant cultural information which get the favorite of Chinese audiences. Then the film translation become more and more important in appreciating the film. As the eye of the film, a translated film title plays an active role in pouring into a foreign market. A good translated film title can attract the interest of audiences to watch the film, and more importantly, it can be the decisive factor of the success of box office. Consequently, the film title translation has become more and more important. Nevertheless, as a challenging work, just a few articles and chapters are related to the film title translation and most of them discuss it in a general way. The thesis tries to make a study about English film title translation from the perspective of skopos theory. It is a theory bridge the gap between the source text and target text and escape from the bondage of equivalence-based methods. Skopos theory regards translation as a purposeful activity, therefore gives a new perspective to the study of film title translation. The skopos rule is put in the first place during the process of translation. 

The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one is the introduction, including the research background and the structures of this thesis. Chapter two is literature review which is a overview of the Skopos theory and previous film title translation study. Chapter three illustrates how to employ the Skopos rule to English film title translation. Chapter four is the conclusion of the whole thesis.

















