Abstract Writing is a language skill and it is very important in language learning and teaching. It is necessary for teachers to develop students’ writing competence. However, quite a lot of our Chinese students in senior high school are poor in English writing and they always make errors in their English expression. It is worth analyzing and studying the reasons for the errors in senior high school students’ English compositions. Many scholars, who research this issue, hold the view that Chinese has the negative transfer on students’ English writing. On the basis of questionnaires and English compositions samples, this thesis analyzes and explores the errors from the aspects of lexical errors, syntactic errors and Chinglish and so on. It also provides some suggestions for senior high school English teachers in their English writing teaching.  59096

Keywords: negative transfer; Chinese; English writing; senior high school students


毕业论文关键词: 负迁移;汉语;英语写作;高中生

1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Research Method 3

3.1 Subjects 3

3.2 Ways to Research 3

3.3 Data Collections 4

4. Analysis and Discussion 5

4.1 Lexical Errors 6

4.2 Syntactic Errors 9

4.3 Chinglish 11

4.4 Errors of Other Types in Syntax 12

5. Conclusion 13

5.1 Findings of the Thesis 13

5.2 Suggestions for English Teaching and Learning 14

5.3 Limitations of the Study 15

Works Cited 16

Appendices 17

Appendix I Questionnaire 17

Appendix II Compositions 18

 1. Introduction 

With the development of society, English writing plays an important role in our daily life. However, quite a lot of Chinese students make many mistakes and errors in their expressions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop students’ writing competence in senior high school.

English teaching aims at cultivating students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Liu Runqing has pointed out that only the writing level can indicate students’ real language competence (1999). Writing skill is the most difficult one to be improved for most students among comprehensive English competence. Students need not only to acquire the basic knowledge of English, but also to improve the ability to express what they think in English. 

Students’ native language has negative transfer on second language acquisition, which has been admitted and studied by the domestic and overseas scholars. In addition, they have studied and analyzed it. But most subjects in these studies are not Chinese. Thus, the result may have some deviation to Chinese students. What’s more, most subjects in studies are college students in China. However, Chinese senior high school students’ English learning is also affected by negative transfer. They usually write under the influences of Chinese thinking. So teachers should pay enough attention to this issue. This thesis takes senior high school students as subjects, and studies Chinese negative transfer on their English compositions. Moreover, some suggestions are proposed in this thesis to improve their English writing ability. 源[自*优尔^`论\文"网·www.youerw.com/

















