In China, whether you are in shanghai or other cities , when children go home after school, most parents would start the conversation with kids by asking the question “Did you listen to your teacher carefully in school? Have you done your homework”? However, kids are used to this kind of conversation even disgusted with what their parents asked and said. On the other hand, in American, when children come home from school, their parents will ask which questions have you put forward today in school? Their children describe their lessons carefully and vividly and present what they asked in high spirits. If teachers are awkward to children’s problem, kids would have a sense of achievement. This may be a typical example to explain the differences between Chinese family education and American family education. In the following chapters, the author will discuss Chinese family education value and American family education value from education content, education methods and education attitudes and provide some useful advice for parents.  

  With the development of economy, more and more Chinese parents choose to send their children to study in America. The author hopes to find a meaningful and useful family education method for parents through comparing the differences between Chinese family education and American family education. At the same time, the author hopes this thesis can change some parents’ opinions upon family education, making children grow more healthily and roundly. 

  This thesis is pided into five parts. In the first part, the author mainly introduces the background of this study and analyzes the significance of this research. In the second part, this article discusses the research on differences of family education values of researchers from home and abroad. Plenty of works have studied the relationships between family members, differences of marriage and education. .I am intended to do further research on the differences of family education, especially on children.  In third part, this article introduces relevant concepts about family education values and some opinions and contents .in the forth part, the writer mainly discusses the reasons why Chinese and American family education values exist these differences. In the fifth part, this thesis focuses on the results caused by different education methods and describes different family education methods between China and America. In the end, this article concludes major findings, implications and gives some valuable suggestions for future researches. The writer also concludes the limitations of this thesis in the last part. Besides, the author hopes that parents could respect children’s inpiduality and develop all-around education.

2. Literature Review

Education is not only the duty of society and schools, but also the responsibility of every parent. If a child behaves perfectly in every aspect, but he will hardly achieve his success without his good family education. On the other hand, if a child becomes a person who is bad to society, he is more likely to grow up with a bad family education. It is not only due to the responsibility of social environment but also the wrong family education. What is more, with the popularity of abroad studying and immigration, it is more important to compare the differences between two countries family education. 

A lot of experts and researchers at home and abroad have studied the differences of family values between China and America. By studying previous theories and combing with the reality, the author emphasizes on the differences of education concepts, methods and results and analyzes the reasons resulting in these differences. 

Family derives from private ownership, and is inevitable production in the development of social productive forces (Xie Yongxin, 1995, p.70). Family values as the core in the research of cultural values has decisive influence on people’s behaviors. 

















