Abstract "Marginal students" refers to those who are excluded, repressed or forgotten in classroom activities. They are easily overlooked by teachers because this situation only happens to a rather small number of students. However, negligence of the phenomenon of marginal students in middle school English classroom will undermine the principles and purposes of the new curriculum reform, which pays attention to promoting all-round developed students. From the perspective of students, this phenomenon is bound to infringe students mentally and physically. What’ worse, it does not conform to the cultivation of talents in modern society and severely deviates from the goal of education. Therefore, this paper is mainly about the analysis of the phenomenon of "marginal students" according to some surveys and observation of classroom teaching, trying to find its causes as well as proper remedies. Hopefully, a contribution can be made for more vivid and efficient English teaching in our middle schools.60709

Key words: causes;  countermeasures;  marginal students

摘 要“边缘人”是指在课堂教学中遭排斥、受压抑或被遗忘的人。由于边缘人这种现象通常只在少数学生身上表现出来,故很容易成为教师忽略的对象。然而,这种情况不仅不符合新课改的精神要求,也无法促进学生的全面发展。另外,从学生角度而言,放弃在英语课堂上的锻炼和发展机会,不仅会影响学生的身心发展,而且也背离了现代社会对人才培养的要求,不符合教育事业发展的根本宗旨和目标。本文基于对课堂教学的深入调研和观察,尝试着对中学英语课堂的“边缘人”现象进行了深层次的分析和思考。通过对这类人群的表征分析,试图找出成因,对症下药,以期为中学英语课堂营造和谐、生动、有效的学习氛围做出应有的积极作用。



1. Introduction.1

2. Literature Review2

3. Findings of the Classroom Observation3

3.1 Observation of the Classrooms 3

3.2 Observation of the Teacher.3

3.3 Observation of the Students3

4. Causal Analysis of the Phenomenon.4

4.1 External Environment .4

4.2 Students’ Cognition5

4.3 Teachers’ Conception.6

5. Countermeasures towards the Phenomenon .7

5.1 Creation of Favorable Teaching and Learning Environment.7

5.2 Improvement of English Teachers' Educational Conception8

5.3 Enhancement of Students' English and Self-confidence.10

6. Conclusion.10

Works Cited.12 

1. Introduction

The present situation of middle school English teaching of our country is: English teachers in the middle school occupy the dominant position in class. They are not only the leader of the students in learning, but also function as an important source of students' knowledge. New curriculum reform plays an important role in our country, especially in foreign language teaching. As we can see, middle school English education in China has made gratifying achievements. Students' English autonomous learning ability, in a certain extent, has been improved and the traditional learning methods have been changed by making more effective oral communicative English exercise. That is a breakthrough of great significance.

However, the problem of marginal students in the English classroom has become even more serious. Such a phenomenon is often found in group activities in the English classroom: a minority of students just do their own thing as if it has nothing to do with themselves. Although they are in group activities, they do not participate in discussions at all. Postmodern education thinker call these students "marginal people", who are excluded, ignored, repressed or forgotten, and become the most insignificant people in the class. These students are often with poor expression and communication ability. They neither listen to others nor express their own points of view. Therefore, this negative phenomenon will no doubt become the biggest obstacle which hinders the English classroom teaching.

















