Abstract The Old Man and the Sea, written by Ernest Hemingway, is one of the most influential and far-reading novels in the world. Santiago, the protagonist in the novel, fully reveals the great challenging spirit. This essay shows Santiago’s physiological, psychological challenge and challenge to destiny. Then, it analyzes causes of Santiago’s challenging spirit through a way to survive and to prove the meaning of life existence. This essay comes to the results of Santiago’s challenging spirit on achieving the triumph and transmission of spirit. After studying The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago’s challenge spirit shocks us deeply and inspires us to accept and overcome challenges bravely in this rapidly challenging world.61205

Key words: The Old Man and the Sea; Santiago; challenging spirit



1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Manifestations of Santiago’s Challenge 3

3.1 Physiological Challenge 3

3.2 Psychological Challenge 4

3.3 Challenge to Destiny 6

4. Causes of Santiago’s Challenge 7

4.1 A Way to Survive 7

4.2 A Way to Prove the Meaning of Life Existence 8

5. Results of Challenge 9

5.1 The Triumph of Spirit 9

5.2 Transmission of Challenging Spirit 10

6. Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1. Introduction 

     Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) is one of the most famous American novelist and essayist. Hemingway’s life was full of writing and adventure. He was ebullient to be engaged in bullfighting in Spain, big game hunting in Africa and deep sea fishing in the Gulf Stream near Cuba. However, repeated accidents and alcoholism sapped his vitality and he committed suicide in 1961. By presenting a realistic portrayal of the inter-war period with its disillusionment and breakdown of old values, Hemingway has described the awkward situation of the modern man. His protagonists are alienated and lonely inpiduals, who always fight a losing battle against the adversity of life. However, suffering and hardship do not make them pessimistic. They use their courage and endurance to accept challenges and transcend themselves. They show great spirits of human in a life of tension and pain. 源:自'优尔.·论,文;网·www.youerw.com/

     In 1950,Across the river and into the tree was published, and it met with negative reviews. Hemingway’s literary talent was questioned by some critics. Hemingway faces their doubts directly and accepts the challenge. In order to prove his ability and wisdom, Hemingway wrote the rough draft of The Old Man and the Sea. Published in 1952, it turned out to be his last major work. His novel’s language is simple, but its vivid characterization and profoundly implicating meaning made Hemingway win Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. This book that has been hailed as a classic tells us a tragic adventure story. Santiago, who is an old and lonely man, struggles for three days for a great marlin found only in the deep sea. Unfortunately, when the old man is on the way to the land, the bloodstain left by the marlin in the water attracts a great amount of sharks. Although Santiago fights a heroic battle with them, the great sharks have almost devoured the entire marlin. What the sharks left is only a skeleton. Although Santiago loses the marlin, he doesn’t feel depressed, because he challenges himself and earns respect from others. Both Hemingway and Santiago tell us that “Men can be physically destroyed but never defeated spiritually.” (Hemingway, 2005: 127) Whenever we meet difficulties or troubles, we are supposed to keep positive towards life, because we need to survive in this changing world. We have no choice but to accept challenges bravely, so that we can achieve success and realize our dream in some day.

















