Abstract On the basis of functional equivalence theory and error analysis theory, analyzing the errors in the wrong English translation of 100 Chinese public signs with quantitative and qualitative methods, this paper has found that there are errors in vocabulary, grammar and culture and they all damage the effectiveness of communication. According to the study, intralingual errors, interlingual errors and cultural differences are the main causes of wrong translation mistakes. Based on the example analysis, this paper also provided some strategies for improvement of the translation of public signs.61204

Keywords: public sings; translation errors; functional equivalence


毕业论文关键词: 公示语; 翻译错误; 功能对等 

1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

2.1 Definition of Public Signs 2

2.2 Characteristics of Public Signs 3

2.3 Relevant Translation Theories 6

2.4 Early Researches 7

3. Errors in C-E Translation of Public Signs 7

3.1 Results of the Statistics 8

3.2 Data Analysis 8

3.3 Error Diagnosis 11

4. Strategies for Translation of Public Signs 12

4.1 Imitation, Reference and Innovation 12

4.2 Methods Determined by Purposes 13

4.3 Style Coming after Meaning 13

5. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

1. Introduction

“Public signs” refers to the writings displayed in public areas, which have the function of offering information and making directions. Generally speaking, road signs, guidebooks, product instructions, advertisements are all public signs. English public signs are very convenient signposts and information carriers in international cities, which are brief, official and normative. 

However, many problems, such as improper translation, wrong translation, are frequently seen in the translation of public signs. These problems, to a certain extend, are not only causing trouble about the daily life of foreigners in China, but also damaging the original functions of the public signs, and further more damaging the image of the city. When foreign tourists come to China and see the inappropriate translation or even wrong translation of public signs as: “A TIME SEX THING” (一次性用品); “Take care of your head” (小心碰头); “Be careful when falling to the river” (小心坠河); “Refer Guide” (咨询导购); “Notice To Traveling” (游客须知) and “NO THROWING” (禁止扔垃圾), they will have a terrible impression on China. The improper and wrong translation of public signs extremely damages international image of the related cities and misleads foreign friends. A better international language environment is the key issue for the smooth development of all the sectors in a country源:自'优尔.·论,文;网·www.youerw.com/

















