Here is the organization of this dissertation. The main content runs as follows. Chapter One is the brief introduction of the whole thesis, including the introduction of the brief survey of the view on translation of public signs and the significance of the research. Chapter Two is literature review and it goes straight to the definition, characteristics and early researches respectively and also introduces the basic concept and principle of Nida’s functional equivalence theory. Chapter Three analyzes different errors in translation of public signs and its causes. Chapter Four discusses the principles of translation of public signs and offer some strategies for improvement. Chapter Five is the conclusion of the whole thesis and it summarizes the ideas explored in previous chapters.

2. Literature Review

Public signs can be seen in many public places since it has been an important part in our life. It is a very effective way to accelerate the promotion of cities in China. Proper translation of public signs plays an important role in showing the spirit and characteristics of a city and making a favourable impression for foreign friends while its original function is to show directions or transmit some information. Public signs have a great influence on all people in the society including students, taxi drivers, businessmen and so on.

2.1 Definition of Public Signs文献综述

Public sign is a very special style of writing which can be found in public places to provide the public with accurate and helpful information. It is a important part of daily life and appears everywhere such as road signs, advertisements, product instructions, guidebooks, notices and so on. Here are some examples: “KEEP RIGHT”, “TAX FREE”, “Fire exit”, “No smoking”, “For Sale”, “Danger” and “Ticket Office”. Different kinds of public signs play various functions of keeping people behavior well.

However, the definition of public signs is not clear. The entry of “public signs” in “E-C Dictionary” compiles by Wang Tongyi is comparatively exacter, referring to “the information as writings or figures and writings obviously posting on the boards to direct, warn, and other information which is the con cern of other people.” (Wag Tongyi, 1990) It is clear that public signs consist of both words and figures. Some other scholars define public signs as writings posted in the public places to the public. Barry Gray, the 145th chairman of the International Organizational for Standardization, defined “Signs” like this: “Signs are anything from the simplest wayfinding or information ‘maker’ to the complicated communication of a message. Signing affects everybody¬¬—travelers, shoppers, visitors, drivers etc, whether in the business time or recreation time.” (Wangying, 2009) On basis mentioned above, public signs can be described like this: writings put in public places to give different information to people who are involved in these places. Public signs can give travelers directions, warn tourists of danger and provide drivers with traffic information. Since the various functions of the public signs are all of significance, the writings in the public signs have to seek for the standardization, integration, correct grammar, simple expression and proper language application.

















