2. Literature Review

     Alongside the increasing advancement of tourism industry, tourism provides opportunities for communication and understanding for people coming from different cultural backgrounds and environment, in this kind of communication of cross-cultural background, translation has become a very important tool for communication. The tourism industry has been playing a role of engine, and has promoted the economic development of our country. With a vast territory, China boasts a beautiful scenery and endless cultural heritage, and it attracts increasingly more foreign tourists to come to visit and go sightseeing. It is estimated that China will become the largest tourist destination in the world by 2025. 

English is one of the most widely used languages all over the world, therefore, the English translators build a bridge between foreign tourists and the cultural communications as well as the exchange of our country, and promote the vigorous development of the tourism. Thereupon, in the modern world of booming tourism, the tourism English translation is now playing a quite essential role. It is undeniable that the tourism translation is a complicated activity which is affected by a variety of subjective and objective factors such as cultural variations, and the creativity runs through the whole process of the activity. So it is natural to draw the following conclusion that the tourism translation is a kind of creative translation.

Actually, in the modern world, tourism English translation has always been a research field that many researchers or scholars show much interest in. In the past, many of them have already issued a number of essays. In accordance with Liao Chunlan (2012: 11-13), the current situation of tourism English translation need to be further explored and analyzed and her analysis of kinds of problems and demerits have illuminated and inspired me to discover more about this specific aspect. 

In addition, few people had specifically conducted surveys on the cultural differences in the process of translating tourism English. The vast majority of translators just translate literally regardless of the differences between Chinese culture and culture of foreign countries. From the perspective of me, this aspect is of great significance on studying the tourism English translation. What’s more, according to Wang Jiyuan (2014: 171-173), culture is the spiritual wealth which is passed from generation to generation in the history of human beings. And differences of this kind of spiritual wealth can give expression to distinct patterns of manifestation. She once mentioned and explored cultural differences in the tourism English translation and relevant methods. As for Pu Hongjuan (2011: 13-15), the creativity in tourism English translation does matter to all the readers and translators for the targeted texts. In her paper, she has already explored the necessity of the creativity of tourism English translation to some extent. 文献综述

However, from my point of view, factors that she discussed are far more enough. Therefore, in my paper, I analyses the inevitability in a more detailed way. Furthermore, as for Li Gen, a famous teacher in Shenyang Normal University, he noticed in his paper that during the past three decades since China initiated the reform and opening up drive, especially after China’s accession to WTO, an increasingly larger number of foreign tourists are gradually attracted to visit our China. 

Therefore, the importance of tourism is getting more highlighted. He also discussed the characteristics of tourism English and he strove to find out the correct translation strategies. In the completion of my essay, I also consult the paper of Xiao Le. In his paper, he once analyzed the fact that the translation activities of tourism English are quite complicated, and he mentioned that it is a kind of creative activity in nature. In addition, he also takes full advantage of some translation theories to strengthen his points. I maintain that his method is very favorable. So in my essay, I also mentioned this point. The reasons rest in the fact that in any case, translation theories are invariably quite useful and beneficial to us.

















