
    Acknowledgements.     i
    中文摘要....... iv

    1.Introduction.1 1.1 A general view of William Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet    .....1
    1.2 A general view of Wang Shifu and The Romance of Western Chamber.2

    2.Grice’s Cooperative Principle..4
    2.1 The problem of Grice’stheory........5
    2.2The complementary principle—Leech’s Politeness Principle.5

    3 Character analysis on Cooperative Principle7
    3.1 Violation of the maxim of Relation............7
    3.2 Violation of the maxim of Quantity..9
    3.3 Violation of the maxim of Manner...11
    3.4 Violation of the maxim of Quality13

    4 Comparative study on Aritistic Feature 16
    4.1Application of Rhetoric devices in both works........16
    4.2 The realistic love VS the ideal love.....19
    4.3Different role Function and relevance to the plots.......22

    5 Conclusion.24 5.1 Major Findings.........................................24
    5.2 Contributions of the study24
    5.3 Limitations of the Study...25

    1. Introduction
    “To know, to esteem, to love, and then to part. Makes up life’s tale to many a feeling heart!” the famous remark once said by Coleridge I think could best depict the motifs of Romeo and Juliet and The Romance of Western Chamber. Both stories are retold and gain more reputations than the former one, and the main characters are all undaunted to pursue love with the help of their maids. The theme of family feud, social hierarchy and true love will not be so vivid and striking without increasing the importance of minor characters. So by presenting and analyzing the supporting roles from the perspective of conversational principle and the appreciation of their artistic features, we can get a better understanding of the charm of love and taste the authoring language, figuring out why Shakespeare’s language is regarded as one source of the modern English and also why the Romance of Western Chamber can be one of the four great dramas in China.

    1.1 A general view of William Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet
    William Shakespeare’s career bridged the reigns of Elizabeth I (ruled 1558-1603) and James I (ruled 1603-1625). Throughout his life, many influential works has been displayed, 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. Different genres raised him to the peak of sophistication and artistry. Romeo and Juliet was Shakespeare’s most popular plays. For the work itself, it wasn’t created by Shakespeare. Absorbing the vivid atmosphere and lively detail from Brooke’s poem The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet in 1562, Shakespeare, the greatest British dramatist, gave it greater emotional power and enacted a completed trajectory to this story. Thus the Romeo and Juliet became one of Shakespeare’s great monuments.

    The whole story happened between the two main characters Romeo and Juliet, who both came from noble families but had a long family feud. The disapproval of both  
    families laid the tragic tone on their development of holy love. With the help of priest and Juliet’s nanny, the two young married in secret. However, Romeo killed her male cousin gave their relations a hard shot that Romeo was punished by expulsion and Juliet’s father wanted her to marry a young noble man she didn’t love. In order to be with Romeo, she pretended to commit suicide to avoid this marriage. While Romeo failed to receive the message, he shot himself at Juliet’s funeral. When Juliet woke up and saw Romeo’s dead body, she drank a toxic drug. After their death, the two families eliminated the long-standing hatred and buried them together.

    Based on the story, the Nurse, as a minor role, is much developed by Shakespeare especially as a comic character; her garrulity and emphatically coarse in her vitality provide a foil for Juliet’s lightness and natural delicacy. In other words, the nurse’s reminiscences give density to the background of Juliet’s life.
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