2. Literature Review Generally speaking, family values are the core of the value system, and family values have a huge influence on people’s thoughts and  behaviors.  Family values penetrate every family’s daily life. In China, there are studies on family values.   Guan Yuhong, a woman scholar in family values, points out that respecting the older is the core value of the Chinese family values. (Guan Yuhong, 2009: 89-90) Cheng Tongsheng also points out that the traditional Chinese social structure is closely related with the concept of respecting the  older. (Cheng Tongsheng, 1999: 60-66) Moral principle of respecting the older should not only exist among the parents and kids but also should be enlarged to their relatives and other social members.   Wang Cheng summarizes independence, inpidual rights, freedom and equality in the research of the American family values. (Wang Cheng, 2005: 7-8) However, some researchers insist that the main purpose of the American family is to bring happiness to each inpidual family member, and family values should include love and respect for all the family members. Equality of love is the main family value in the modern American family. (Tu Zipei, 2011: 39) Xie Lijun,  in his article  “The Differences of Family Values between China and America”, studies the differences of the family values between China and America from three aspects, including the different family values, reasons  for the differences, and the influences of different family values. He points out that Americans emphasize the inpidualism, while Chinese pay  more attention to the collectivism. And he analyzes the reasons  for the differences from the culture, social system and customs. At the same time, he points out the effects of different family values on culture, social structure, and personal development. 源:自*优尔`%论,文'网·www.youerw.com/ 
(Xie Lijun, 2010: 10-30) Shang Yanhui makes a conclusion  in his article that Chinese marriage should last from the beginning to the ending. (Shang Yanhui, 2010: 123-125) Divorce is a scandal to Chinese; however, porce is common in America and their children are not embarrassed to say that their parents are porced. (Jiang Yufeng, 2009: 106-107) Based on these scholars’  study, this paper analyzes different aspects of family values by comparing American TV drama  Desperate Housewives and  Chinese TV drama  Naked Wedding. First, the paper introduces the different influence of family values through different life styles --- Americans prefer nuclear family while Chinese prefer extended family. And then the paper introduces the different relationship between the family members and their attitudes to each other. The last part analyzes the reasons of these differences from four aspects: history background, culture values, employment situation, and social security system.

















