5. Solving Main Problems 12

5.1 Improving Professional Knowledge 12

5.2 Improving Social Intercourse Skills 12

5.3 Ways to be a Good Translator 12

6. Conclusion 13

Works Cited 14

1. Introduction 

The type of writing of business English is a new era of business English writing style with the formation and development of trade and commodity production. It’s not necessary for business English writing style to require the rhetoric, it also doesn’t need the blue sky thinking. When you do some description on something, business English should adhere to concise, clear and coherent, it doesn’t resolute need equivocation.

Business English is totally different from general English, its writing is regularly and has its certain rules. Different types of documents in the mail has its corresponding processing method, its writing style emphasizes the requirements of a clear and rational, logical thinking and the meticulous structure of the tight. In the use of some special words characteristics of business English. The biggest distinguishing feature of business English is how to use the specialized vocabulary accurately, and of course, which also include a large number of professional business English vocabulary and some business ordinary meaning of the vocabulary or compound words and some simple phrases such as business theory and business practice of vocabulary, The vocabulary of language has the feature of professional and strong. This paper committed to analyze and discuss translation techniques and the language features of business English.

2. Writing Style of Language Features of Business English

Business English translation has to comply with the principle to accurately which requires the translator's translation is in reality. the content can be described with a simple text accurately, In fact, in some ways that information is equivalent, in the process of translation of business trade letters inpidually should pay attention to the accurate choice of words, we should voice the theme of the business letters appropriately, especially the Arabic numerals. We will often find some foreign trade companies is not rigorous to these digital audit, finally it will lead to the loss of benefits, so to prevent such problems before they happen. When we compare the common language of expression with another, international trade and business translation needs more care about the practical and accurate content, to make your translation reach what you want to express it. Business English translation must have good habits and norms, the habits and norms should be unified, so as not to mutual estrangement. My teacher often told me there must be some rules, comply with the rules, good service, practical, then you could do the job better. Language specification, language routines and behavior mode of business English letters and ideas are to follow other business English success stories or standard. In the situation of making use of professional vocabulary, trade concept and the corresponding trade terms in the process of translation in business letters should ensure that they are unified, avoid by all means with the intention or personal understanding to randomly change, misconceiving the original meaning. Do not write with the unified standard in business English letters will let others puzzled to what you write. Such a translation, in fact is the translator itself is certification or do things carelessly.

When we are taking the business English translation in progress, you must be able to aim at the business use for translation, pass on your meaning safely and effectively. The most significant thing for us is to have a good expression ability, to translate the letters as accurate as possible, to bring unnecessary contradiction to the two party companies. Less use of abbreviations is what you should pay attention to in your translating process. Acronyms are easy to let others confused since it is not clear. Even if you have to use it, choose some business English abbreviations that you have an intimate knowledge of.

















