2.1 Expressing and Writing Style of Business English

Business English writing style is namely business English expression way. It is not that the pursuit of rhetoric and language blindly as English literature. General requirements of commercial trade document style is chastity, try not to use the complex words and metaphor, personification, hyperbole that used in the literature on the rhetorical approach. Business English is a popular and easy-to-understand language and business English letters only to improve an effectiveness of its own, which is one of the points of business activities.

Business English should not use those old traditional commercial languages or formulas, it should use the modern concise business languages to express. For example, you should use “We have received?” to take the place of “We are in receipt of” Use “Thank you for” instead of “Express my heart feel attitude to you for?” In the description of business English, what is often should be specific, clear, do not let the statement ambiguous inside. The simple, logic and smooth of business letters mainly reflected whether you can use a lot of simple sentence, compound sentence and complex sentence or not.

2.2 Paying Attention to Etiquette

The vocabulary, sentence and the contract word of business English should take notice of polite and in good taste, etiquette is a very important aspect of international economic and trade English business documents. Chinese business language sometimes lack of international or western style of polite. This requires understanding the western culture and customs thoroughly, in fact, the most frequently used polite words usually is the word "please". But business English is slightly pay attention to those polite languages. Business English documents can see this kind of polite manners everywhere.来!自~优尔论-文|网www.youerw.com

2.3 Business English Requirements

The substance of business English is careful and thoughtful, and the frame structure is more complex, on account of it relates to many aspects of the integrity of the interests, containing two or several aspects, business contracts, documents and treaties, the definition of provisions and content must be accurate. For the sake of realizing accuracy, moreover, put to use the complex sentence more suitable, but also demands applying many clauses, phrases to modify or limit its content, so that it will cause increasingly complex to the sentence structure. For example, in the sentence inspection “it is mutually agree quantity and quality issue by the manufacturer, inspection certificate of weight as a part of the letter of credit documents, the subject clause is certificate of weight as part of the letter of credit payment document”. It is mutually that both parities approve to take the passive voice in it, if it is a formal subject, means the equivalent every side will agree, but the back of a sentence using up than the previous sentence to be more concise, fluent formal.

















