
    The thesis begins with an introduction of the origin, definition and then will present in Part Two. Part Three examines the relationship between politeness principle and culture. Part Four probes into the contrastive of Western and Chinese cultures in terms of politeness principle.

    II. Origin and Definition of Politeness Principle
    2.1 Origin of Politeness Principle in Western and Chinese
        China is a country which has long ancient history, the history of politeness is also long. The politeness of Chinese culture and the traditional system are inseparable tightly, just like an ancient Chinese saying:”礼仪者,治之始也”. Politeness Principle in traditional society system of China, the meaning of politeness is respect the jinn and senior people. Chinese book《管子•五辅》point out that politeness is the social regulation which is used to vindicate the display in modern society,“上下有异,贵贱有分,长幼有序,贫富有度,凡此八者,礼之经也。”Politeness principle not only vindicate the society traditional order, but also restrict people’s thought and action, so as to harmonize all the relations and contradiction in the society, vindicate the unification and steady. Confucian said:”安上治民,莫善于礼”. Modern politeness principle still point up “difference”, it is different from those principle in seater that only stipulate people how to word on communication, it is more abundant and with more culture features.
     But in Western, people’s concept is equal, inpidualism is the most important thing. Point up inpidual struggle and set up  image of oneself during fighting with nature, inpidual benefit, inpidual freedom, character release are all holy and should not be aggressed. Politeness principle in Western point up equality and coordination among persons. Politeness principle mainly point up the speech standard which must be used during the communication.
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