
       Recently, much attention has been paid to the importance of developing English learners' autonomy. Self-study, as a skill of getting knowledge and information, it is extremely essential in such an information-increased and international communication-frequent society. This kind of study skill is not only helpful for us to pursue our educational goal--to get knowledge, also cultivate a learner's independence of autonomy which should be regarded as the end goal. The paper mainly focuses on a brief analysis of self-study in English learning, so as to find out the factors influencing learner in self-study and the roles in learner autonomy in English as a Foreign Language.
    The concept of learner autonomy has been introduced into foreign language teaching over twenty years. Nowadays, autonomy has been widely accepted as an educational goal and few teachers will disagree with the importance of helping language learners become more autonomous as learners. But as to what learner autonomy really is, various interpretations proposed by different researches and scholars in different contexts. In spite of the various interpretations proposed by different research and scholars in different contexts, even during different periods of time, the definitions of learner autonomy can be classified into the following categories.
    First, a lot of researches define it in terms of ability or capacity. Holec defines learner autonomy as “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning”. Many researchers agree with Holec that learner autonomy is ability or capacity. For example, D.Little sees learner autonomy as a capacity for “detachment, critical reflection, decision-making and independent action”. Nunan also believes that this ability is extraordinary important. The learners who are able to fix their own aims and produce chances for learning are autonomous learners. Littlewood talks about learner autonomy as “the ability to use the knowledge one has learned without the help of the teacher”. One of the widely accepted of learner autonomy is put forward by Benson who defines it as “the capacity to take control of one’s own learning”.
       Second, some writers define it in terms of performance. Huttunen insists that a certain kind of learning behavior is important.
        Third, some researchers define it in terms of attitude. Dickinson sees autonomy very much as an attitude to language learning. In his opinion, autonomous learners are ready to take responsibility for their own learning and show their willingness by setting their own goals, selecting their materials, deciding on their own methods, monitoring their study and making proper evaluation.
       Fourth, some researches define it in terms of ability and willingness. They define an autonomous learner as one who has the ability and willingness to act independently and decisively. In this view, attitudes translate into practice, and motivation is a necessary precursor of autonomy.
       Finally, with the development of researches on learner autonomy, the term autonomy has come to be used in at least five ways:
    1) For situations in which learners study entirely on their own;
    2) For a set of skills which can be learned and applied in self-directed learning;
    3) For an inborn capacity which is suppressed by institutional education;    
    4) For the exercise of learners’ responsibility for their own learning;
    5) For the right of learners to determine the direction of their own learning.
    II. The Factors Influencing Learner Autonomy
    Learner autonomy is not an article of faith, a product ready made for use or merely a personal quality or trait. Rather, it should be clarified that autonomous learning is achieved on certain conditions: motivation, attitudes, learning strategies and cognitive styles etc. Therefore, it is very necessary for teachers to pay much attention to these factors for the aim of developing students’ autonomy English learning. 
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