    摘 要当今世界美国黑人说唱乐已经引起了越来越多的关注,有的国家的音乐人甚至以有自己的说唱乐感到荣耀。说唱乐由于继承了黑人英语的语言特点而自成一格,正是由于这样的语言特点才使得说唱乐获得如此的成功。同时说唱乐由于其巨大的影响,甚至已经使英语本身发生了变化,尤其是在美语当中。不论是在美国还是在其他国家,说唱乐尤其受到年轻人的喜欢,并对他们产生了重要的影响。因此本文对说唱乐里独特的语言特点和它对美国社会的影响进行了分析。9429
    Abstract       Nowadays, the American Black Rap music has been attracting more and more attention all over the world. Some of the musicians of different countries even feel proud for having their own typical Rap music. It is Rap music’s inheriting the characteristics of American Black English that makes it achieve such a great success.  And the English itself even has been changed by Rap music because of its great influence, especially in American English. Rap music is especially popular among youths and has affected both their language and their behaviors, no matter whether it is in the United States or European countries, even in some third world countries. As a result, this paper analyzes the typical characteristics of the English language used in Rap music and the influences of rap music on American society.

    Key words: Black English; rap music; language features; social influence
    摘 要..….i
    I. Introduction…..…1
    II. Researches on Black English and Rap Music    2
     2.1 Researches on Black English at Home and Abroad    2
     2.2 Researches on Rap Music at Home and Abroad    3
    III. The Black English in Rap Music    4
     3.1 Definition of Black English    4
     3.2 Characteristics of Black English    5
     3.3 Language Features of the Black English in Rap    6
      3.3.1 Phonological Features    6
      3.3.2 Grammatical Feature    7
      3.3.3 Lexical Features    9
    IV. Influences of Rap Music on American Society    11
     4.1 Social Values of Rap Lyrics    11
     4.2 Impact of Rap Music on Youths    12
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17The Language Features and the Social Influence of Afro-American Rap Music

    I. Introduction

     Language can be regarded as a communicative medium and carrier of culture and music historically has been a medium for social expression. This social expression can take many forms, from triumph and hope to utter frustration and despair. Regardless of the catalyst that creates it, music serves to stimulate the mind, stir the soul, and elicit emotions (Luomala 15-16). Rap or Hip Hop music, emerging in the rough and tumble of America’s predominantly black inner city neighborhoods, is one of the most fashionable musical genres in popular culture today. The combinative product of language and music employs its unique strength to shake and move people’s hearts, especially those of American youth.
    My interest in the study of rap music was prompted by those excellent records that rap songs achieved even in this competitive art circle. It has been said that music is a reflection of the cultural and political environment from which it is born. Rap music emerged as an aesthetic cultural expression of urban African American youth in Bronx, New York, in the early 1970s. It has been denoted as the poetry of the youth who are often disregarded as a result of their race and class (Luomala 15-16) . The United States is acknowledged for its advance in modernization, democracy and freedom but is also notorious for the violence, drug, crimes, political scandals, etc. All of these issues are exhibited incisively and vividly by rap artists with the frequent use of Black English. Therefore, the study on rap music would be a new visual angle for us to explore African American English variety and subculture of the United States.
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