Chapter Two Literature Review

2。1 Definition of Body Language

Body language is a kind of nonverbal body movement that refers to the process of social intercourse, which was used to transmitting information and expressing feelings or defining one’s position (Li Zhencun, 2011:5)。 This particular body posture can support and modify or negative speech ACTS。 And it also can partially replace verbal behaviors that develop into an independent function。 Meanwhile, it does convey emotion and attitude that’s difficult with speech ACTS。 In short, body language is a silent language which consists of gestures, facial expressions, body movements and the like。 As Zhao Tianyu wrote, “body language mainly includes facial expressions, eye expressions, sign language” (Zhao Tianyu, 2011:270)。 Body language is a nonverbal language that consists of gestures, facial expressions, body movements and so on (Zhang Wenwen, 2015:134)。

2。2 Types of Body Language

We define such body language as eye contacts, walking, postures, body movements, facial expressions (Sharon Sayler, 2010:21)。   

Eye contact: the eyes are the windows to the soul。 Of all types of body languages, eye contact is the most important part。 In class, eye contact is the most common way to interact with each other between teachers and students。 There is a direct link exists in teaching effects and eye contacts。 文献综述

A good teacher should be good at using eyes to express his or her feelings or making classroom rules。 English teachers show their criticism, encouragement, concern, praise and happiness through eyes (Chen Gang & Liu Guasong, 1991:132)。 Dr。John koehler observed 19 teachers in class within 15 minutes and found that thirty-nine percent of 15 minutes was making eye contact with students on their left, nineteen percent of 15 minutes with that of right (Dong Qi & Yang Bin, 1988:67)。 Eye contacts also produce positive effects on motivating students’ thinking and focusing on class。

Walking: A teacher walking around in classroom is to attract students。 Usually the purpose of teachers’ walking in classroom is to check students’ homework or warn students not to distract from class。 Except that it will also give students an amiable feeling toward their teachers。 It does good to promote good relationship between teachers and students or it will be helpful to make greater progress in study (Zhang Wenwen, 2003:134)。

Facial expressions: as a saying goes “smile is the most beautiful silent language in the world”。 When teachers are satisfied with students and they will give them a smile。 If a teacher smiles often, this class must have an active or a harmonious atmosphere certainly。 Smile can make your students more confident when they in face of hard work。 It demonstrates a well-known saying “But you say it best when you say nothing at all”。

Body movements: the self-poor pupils are difficult to concentrate on class, while teachers need to use gestures to calm them down。 For instance, teachers can put a finger to lips and say “Be Quiet”。 To understand easily what is body language of teachers? When teachers are teaching some words, then they will use body movements, such as acting a kind of animal-fish。 For one thing, body movements enable students to have a very deep image of what they have learned。 For another thing, it does make a class vivid and efficient。 Besides, there are many forms of body languages in class。 Last but not least, a professional teacher should know how to use body language correctly and properly。

2。3 Relevant Studies

As we all know, Speaking English is a way of communicative activity between students and teachers。 English teachers teaching with the accompaniments of body postures directly express their ideas, thoughts。 And students are made to pay much attention on class。 What does body language can do to primary English teaching?

















