

1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Background of the study 1

1。2 The Purpose and Significance of the study 2

1。3 Overall structure of the thesis 3

2。 Literature Review 3

2。1 Multiple Intelligence Theory 4

2。2 Current study abroad。 6

2。3 Current study at home 7

3。 Research Design 8

3。1 Participants 8

3。2 Research questions 9

3。3 Research Methodology 9

3。3。1 Questionnaires 9

3。3。2 Classroom observation 9

3。3。3 Interview 10

3。3。4 Test 10

3。4 Procedure 10

3。4。1 Preparing stage 10

3。4。2 Implementation stage 10

3。4。3 Data collection and analysis 13

4。 Result and Discussion 15

4。1 The relationship between students’ achievement and MIT-based English teaching 15

4。2 The relationship between students’ multiple intelligences development and MIT-based English teaching 15

5。 Conclusion 16

5。1 The advantage of applying MIT in English Teaching 16

5。2 The limitation of the study 16

5。3 Suggestion for further study。 16

References 18

1。 Introduction

1。1 Background of the study

In China, for a long time, English teaching always focuses on teaching language knowledge and testing students’ linguistic and logic-mathematical ability or intelligences, but ignore other intelligences。 And in class teaching, teachers prefer using the teacher-centered method and spoon-feeding teaching method to teach students vocabulary, grammar and sentences。 As for the consolidation of knowledge, students are usually asked to do a lot of homework and recite the key words or sentences。 Unfortunately, students' inpidual differences are totally ignored。 For a second language, there are many factors that will influence the teaching result, such as teaching materials, teaching environment, teachers’ differences, and students' inpidual differences。 Many researches show that learners' inpidual difference is one of the most critical influencing factors in the final learning results。 Learners’ interests, learning style, characteristics and emotion have great impact on the learning results。论文网

In the past years, many educators and researchers worked hard to develop English teaching by all kinds of means and we should acknowledge that some progress are made, but there are still many problems in the English education in China。 Faced with the new situation, for many objective and subjective reasons, our Chinese education system, education structure, education content and education method are relatively backward, which have hindered the all-round development of the youth, and can't meet the need of improving national quality。 The main problems we have are listed as following: (1) Elite education is dominant。 It emphasizes too much on the selection function of education。 (2) The education content dose not confirm to the students' development and the actual social needs。 (3) Traditional education overemphasizes on passive study and mechanical memory during teaching process, and lacks the active participation and exploration of students。 (4) Because of highly centralized and unified management of education policy, schools and teachers lack of independent power in designing curriculums。 Aiming at these problems, for more than ten years, Chinese educators and researchers have carried on the theoretical researches and practices on the happy education and successful education, harmonious education, frustration education, innovation education and so on。 These explorations have improved quality-oriented education in different degrees and also give educators some practical experience。

















