    本论文由中西民间鬼神文化的具体形式研究入手,分析具体类似的中国和西方的典型鬼神形象的相似处、宗教起源以及其在现代民间文化中的演化、运用。在已有的宗教世俗化和各个宗教世俗化过程的理论基础上,对中西典型民间鬼神形象进行描述,分析并对比中国、西方宗教在中民间文化的渗透、演变。以期有助于更深刻地认识中西文化内涵、演变和融合,对中西彼此文化的认识、理解有一定促进作用。关键词  宗教世俗化 民间信仰文化  民间鬼神形象9553
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title    The Religious Secularization Through the Images of the Divinities and Demons in Chinese and Western Culture  
    This paper endeavors to analyze the secularization of the classic Chinese and Western religions through some images of folk beliefs. It attempts to provide a new description of religious secularization based on the primary theories on the secular processes. Within the comparison of the similar images in Chinese and Western religions, and the biblical figures, this paper places much more emphasis on the religious cultural infiltration in people’s daily life. The study aims to illustrate how such infiltrations are reflected in folk cultures and explore the similarities and differences in Chinese and Western Culture, in order to contribute a deeper understanding of Chinese and Western culture connotation, evolution and integration to the cultural mutual awareness and understanding with a certain role.
    Keywords   Religious secularization  folk beliefs’ culture the folk images of the pinities and demons
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction .1
    2  Key Terms and Research Methodology...2
    2.1  Religious secularization and Folk Beliefs...........2
    2.2  Research Methodology 2
    3  The Folk Beliefs and Folk Culture...3
    3.1  Chinese Folk Beliefs and Folk Christian.3
    3.2  The Relations between Folk Beliefs and Religions.. 4
    4  The Classic Images of the Divinities and Demons..4
    4.1  The Images of the Divinities5
    4.2  The Images of the Demons.6
    5  The Secularization of Chinese and Western Religions...............7
    5.1  The Present Situation of Chinese and Western Religions..7
    5.2  The Similarities of Chinese and Western Secularization..8
    5.3  The Differences of Chinese and Western Secularization..9
    5.4  The Reason of the Differences in Secularization..9
    Conclusion ...11
    The religious secularization is a common social cultural phenomenon caused by the societal changes and modernization. Secularization marks the change from traditional society to modern society. Since religions are profoundly based on the humanity and the long history of spiritual awareness, their variation trend has become a significant feature in secular society. And the folk culture absorbs the religions, which helps it gain the authority in secular society. Some of the concepts that people take for granted as common senses are the notable sign of the religious secularization.

    The new century’s tendency is all about modernization, globalization, and materialization. So does the religious culture. Due to the science and progresses, the social values are still changing every now and then. And people are free to choose their own religions, instead of the local rules or family patterns. Many religions have become a representative part of the folk culture in many countries. The religious secularization has become an inevitable tide in any cultures.

    But the process of the religious secularization is a covert phenomenon, which is unconsciously influenced in a long period. So some certain aspects are needed for the process study of the religious secularization. The images of the pinities and demons in literary works, folk tales and beliefs are concrete materials. Many of those, which are familiar to and recounted by everyone, are based on religious stories.
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