Requirements of the New Curriculum Standard 7

3。2 Contribution to the improvement of students’ English literature 8

3。3 Adaption to the change of traditional views 9

Chapter Four Ways to Apply to Children’s Literature in Primary English Teaching 11 4。1 Inspiring students’ interest 11

4。2 Improving teaching facilities 12

4。3 Carrying out activities actively 12

Chapter Five Conclusion 14

References 15

Effects of Children’s Literature in Primary English Teaching Chapter one Introduction

1。1 Background

English as the world’s “Mandarin” has always been China’s primary and secondary schools key discipline even in university。 At present, regardless of urban or rural areas, all the pupils have set up courses of English from the third  grade。 However, the effect of English teaching in China is not optimistic。 Among them, one of most important reasons is that children’s English learning materials are not rich enough。 Throughout the Chinese students’ learning materials, in addition to all kinds of the English text books, exercise books and grammar books in order to improve scores of students。 There are almost no other books refer to English children’s literature reading books。 However, foreign countries have a large number of research and teaching practice shows that using suitable literature books for students can provide help in the formation of students’ language ability。 With the continuous increase in students’ teaching contents and methods。 However, such as a beneficial resource, children’s literature has fallen into an embarrassing position, which is a real pity in primary English teaching process。 This is mainly manifested in the following aspects。 Children’s literature in English teaching of primary school lacks  orientation of the curriculum, and teachers’ understanding of relationship between primary English teaching and children’s literature does not reach the designated position so the teaching methods do not play the whole role。 Needless to say, due to the promotion  of 文献综述

the New Curriculum Standard, the contents of children’s literature do add a lot in primary English teaching。 However, because of the deviation on understanding, the mode of the school English curriculum is still based on the classroom plus the text books。 Under this case, a text book has almost become the whole content in a class and students’ favorite which called children’s literature is gone。 Even the teachers decorate the homework about children’s literature, it still attaches great importance to language skills learning instead of its teaching role。 It is the kind of utilitarian education which has caused the awkward status of children’s literature teaching。 In order to adapt to the fact that the children’s literature teaching in primary school English education really has an important significance。 I think it’s a necessary action for us to use powerful measures and methods instead of letting the existing problems in the current elementary school English education in China。 We should try our best to make full use of children’s literature in primary English teaching。 Therefore, this article focuses on how to use the corresponding way effectively to play the role of children’s literature in English Teaching of primary schools。来*自-优=尔,论:文+网

















