
    2. The Significance of Education
    Today, education plays a significant role in the development of every country. It shows the power of a country. People can get knowledge and skills from education. And then they can face competition of the world. The success of education is not just related to one person himself. It is also related to the future of country. Education is heritage of knowledge.

    2.1 Definition of Education
    In the general definition, “Education is a form of learning in which knowledge, skills, habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next generation through teaching, training, researching or simply through autodidacticism” (Net.1). Education is most related to teachers. Teachers teach students in schools, and then students can become elites to build their countries.

    “Education provides opportunities for people to acquire knowledge, skills, desirable qualities of behavior and character, wisdom and general competence that will enable them to fully participate in and enjoy the social, political, economic and intellectual life of the community” (Net.1). After discussing the definition of education, people can find that they can get knowledge from education. And then they can understand the truth for living from education. Education is an approach that can make human become smart.

    2.2 Essence of Education
    The education must be established on the experience. Education is the product and reform of experience.

    The essence of education is to inherit the ancient people’s experience and create new knowledge by new generation themselves. Education undertakes the inheriting of historical experience from ancestors. It is a preservation of a race specialty. People accept education, and then they become civilized. It symbolizes the end of barbaric society and the beginning of civilization.

    2.3 Aim of Education
    In the 21st century, education is a critical part to a country, because it links to the strength of a country. Today, the key aim of education is to cultivate more creative students. “The main political goal of public schooling is educating future citizens and political leaders” (Spring, 2000:6).

    For example, “The illiterate rate in China was 80% in 1949. But in 2008, the number of graduating students was 20,210,000” (Net.3). According to this data, people can find that many people did not go to school in 1949. They did not accept any education. It can also show that the economic development in that period was not very prosperous. But with the reform and opening up policy and the nine year compulsory education, more and more students graduate from universities. The numbers of graduating students is 172 times more than 1949. So today, China has become the fastest countries in the developing countries.

    After talking about this example, people can know that education cultivates students. And students are the future of the world. Education is not only related to the fate of inpiduals. It is also related to the future development of a nation.

    2.4 Function of Education
    All countries want to become more and more powerful and children are the future of countries. It is widely know that education is very important to the development of all countries in the world.

    All countries want that their people have good spirits, good moral qualities, and honesty and so on. Education can provide basic preparation and training for students to meet competition.

    People are living in a competitive era. No country wants to be loser in the fierce competition, so education is the essential path to cultivate elites for a nation. Cultivating elites is related to the teaching approaches. Educators should research different kinds of teaching approaches in order to find an appropriate teaching approach for their development of country and their goals to cultivate students. If every nation notices the importance of teaching approach, the education career of the world will become better and better. The development of the world will become more and more booming. And there will be more elites in the world.
  1. 上一篇:初中英语词汇教学方法研究
  2. 下一篇:浅析跨文化交际中委婉语的应用
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