
    3 Similarities and Differences on Classroom Teaching Approaches
    The word “teach” has a long history and its usage has varied from one period to another. In the early times, this word has been associated with “learn” (Ur, 2000:10). The definition of “teaching” is showing a person how to do something.

    Western teachers and eastern teachers will take different approaches in their teaching programs. But these teachers also have some similarities in their teaching skills. And through these comparisons and of the similarities, people can find out which is the best teaching approaches in education.

    Teaching is the cooperation between teachers and students. “It is not only the socialized process, but also an important aim that improve the social development” (Zhong, 2010:200). And in the book A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, Penny Ur said: “Teaching process presents three components: the teaching acts of: (1) presenting and explaining new material; (2) providing practice; and (3) testing” (2000:10).

    The relationship between teaching and learning is the basic theory in the education processes. There are many styles of teaching approaches. The east always uses teachers-centered teaching approach. The west emphasizes heuristic teaching. Different teaching approaches will cultivate different types of students. Different teaching approaches have their own specialties. The teaching approach which can cultivate more creative students is the best teaching approach.
  1. 上一篇:初中英语词汇教学方法研究
  2. 下一篇:浅析跨文化交际中委婉语的应用
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