2。2 StudiesatHome 6

2。3 Summaryofdomesticandforeignresearchachievements 6

3。 TheoreticalFramework 8

4。 ComparisonofChineseandAmericanPublicServiceAdvertising 10

4。1 Similarities 10

4。2 Differences 13

Conclusion 19 

Acknowledgements 21

References 22 

1 Introduction

Advertisements are produced to promote commercial goods, and services in a persuasive and pleasant way。 It is commonly agreed that advertisements already became a part of people's life。 People could find them in magazines, on television, and in the radio。 As an important branch and special form of advertisements, Public Service Advertisements (PSAs) are non-profitable and their main aim is to arouse social awareness (Pan, 2001)。 What's more, the development of social economy made them gradually known to the public。 American Public Service Advertisements appeared in 1940 when social problems emerged with the instant development of American economy。 However, Chinese Public Service Advertisements appeared later than those of America。 Public Service Advertisements help to solve social illnesses and awaken public awareness。 And also, they reflect national cultural values 。

As the society develops, the influences that the PSAs bring about are also increasing。 The development of economy makes people re-think about ethical problems, and they looking for the establishments of spiritual civilization。 To meeting the needs of the public, PSAs develop in a fast speed and play an important role in justifying the social problems and promoting moral regulations。 These are mainly hoc issues or problems which the public concern, they also help to regulate inpidual's behaviors, and influence their attitudes。 Right now, they became an important and indispensable power or society。

As a widely recognized and accepted part of daily life, Public Service Advertisements could be regarded as a cultural reflection。 Values they reflect were passed from long time ago, and were created in a particular culture。 Therefore, different cultures would possess different cultural values, and as a result, producing Public Service Advertisements with different cultures (Li, 2008)。 China and America are the two distinguished representatives of eastern and western cultures。 Eastern cultures tend to be humble, indirect and desirable for harmony。 While, western cultures tend to be independent, direct and thinking highly of inpidual's interest。 Although many researches have been studied on the comparison of Public Service Advertisements between western and eastern countries as well as its way of promoting, few researches focus on the particular Chinese and American Public Service Advertisements。文献综述

1。1 Public Service Advertising

Along with social economy development, Public Service Advertisements play an increasing important role in the mordent society。 Public Service Advertisements are a product of human civilization。 They always contain too many field such as philosophy, art, morality, religion, values, these would also influence and restrict the Public Service Advertisements (Zhang, 2009, p。 261)。 In addition, Public Service Advertisements should have a spirit of value proposition and such value proposition is the key point as well as the manifestation of Public Service Advertisements (Pan, 2012, p。73)。 Good Public Service Advertisements could help people to shape certain values, passing on passive faith, and guide people to step forward to a civilized society。

















