The development of Public Service Advertisements would largely be influenced by social economic conditions as well as cultured conditions。 America could be called "the origin of the Public Service Advertisements”, promoting it by the economic crisis and several wars。 Due to the economic downturn。 In 1930s, advertising business also stated to become a recession However, in order to change such social phenomena, government started to use the Public Service Advertisements which help people rebuild confidence on American business, and play a greatrole in social change。 Increasingly, Public Service Advertisements started to get attraction ( Duch & Lombard, 2012, p。 12)。 However, Chinese Public Service Advertisements appeared in 1980s with an Advertisement called “Saving the water” (Huang, 2009)。 Since 2005, Chinese Public Service Advertisements are developed and anormative along with a large number of foreign multinational advertising grounds entered to Chinese market (Sun, 1995, p。 39)。 Though American and Chinese Public Service Advertisements have different starting points with different development directions, they both still stick on their own unique way to prove and show their charming points。

1。2 Cultural Values

“Culture, or civilization, taken in its broad, ethnographic sense, is complex, which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (Appel & Pearson, 1999, p。 241)。 He emphasized the human role in culture and also regarded culture as a creation of human activities。 What's more, Geertz outlined culture as a passed-on system, which is composed of ways of people talk, leading new things, leading life, and their viewpoints of the world。

While values were once to be referred, it attracted wide attention and be defined in differentways。来*自~优|尔^论:文+网 +QQ752018766*

Values reflect a feature of one people or social group, influencing people's ways of behaviors, and choices of attitudes toward life (Larry & Richard, 2000)。In addition, culture is regarded as an everlasting belief, a concrete way of acting and certain methods of people's states of existence (Duch & Lombard, 2012, p。190)。 Culture has a feature of motivation, companying with regularity and confinements which are the guidance of human behaviors and attitudes。 In a word, values play an important role in determining and supervising human behaviors。 It teaches people how to think, how to strive for life, and how to behave themselves。

Cultures and values are combined with each other。 On the one hand, values are cultural: Values are just for human being and human being create culture。 On the other hand, cultures are value-ism (Huang, 2009, p。 260)。 Once cultures are created, they will work on the man with the form of values。 Therefore cultural values are nothing but, dominated by human being who share same values under certain cultural circumstances。

















