5。2 Student’s experiencing the joy of success。 12

5。3 The effects of positive transfer of Chinese。 13

6。 Conclusion 14

Works Cited 14

行语音和单词教学 , 是将学 生从死 记 硬背的沉 重负担中解脱 出来的好办法 。

1。 Introduction 

     The current situation in our country is that the increasing difficulty and quantity make students forget the words easily, and a mechanical way of memorizing the words make students fell very painful to memorize words, leading to the students' grades gradually decline, and even influence to the students' interest in learning。 As a junior high school English teacher, we should come up with a reasonable solution to the problems of memorizing the words hard。 And Phonics can be a useful way, which is used over hundred years in the United States and Canada。

     Phonics, also known as “natural pinyin method”, its English name is Phonics。 Wikipedia defines it: Phonics refers to a method for teaching speakers of English to read and write that language。 Phonics involves teaching how to connect the sounds of spoken English with letters of groups of letters, (e。g that the sound I k J can be represented by c, k, ck or ch spellings and teaching them to blend the sounds of letters together to produce approximate pronunciations of unknown words。 Phonics is a widely used method of teaching to read and decode words。) In Britain and the United States, children learn this method of spelling words when they are young。 It is directly the 26 English in the word and set up the students’ perception of pronunciation through rules of pronouncing the letters and letter combinations in the words directly, so that the students can read the words when they see them and writhe the word when they hear it, making the students master the relationship of the sound and shape。 Combined with subjects such as pedagogy and psychology, its a very good ways for beginners to learn English。 Both children and adult beginners, they can listen, read, and write without the help of international phonetic alphabet。 And after mastering a lot of words, they can read English article, lead to a rapid increase in English learning efficiency。 Phonics has history of more than one hundred years。 In 2000, Hong Kong and Taiwan also introduced this kind of teaching method。 Hereafter, the author will introduce the concept and significance of phonics briefly, and introduce the application of natural spell method in primary school English teaching in detail。文献综述

 2。 Literature Review

     Phonics is an important way of improving English reading ability in foreign countries。 The application of in our country is of great help to improve teaching efficiency and teaching quality, which emphasize English teaching and the cultivation of ability to spell words。 About the application Phonics in primary school English teaching, domestic and foreign scholars made a lot of research it。 He Hua did a research on strategies, which shows that Phonics teaching is beneficial to the beginners’ ability of pronunciation, word decoding, words spelling and the improvement of reading comprehension, she also explored the effective teaching strategy for beginners。 What the teacher should pay attention to is that only learners learn English like a native language can they learn it well。 So the teacher should guide students to find out the corresponding relation between sound and its figure。 The teacher should not teach students rules, because it can make the students disappointed(He 18)。 Zhou Di taught an eight-year- old child Phonic for 12 weeks, with the purpose to look at the impact of phonics on spelling。 Studies showed that Chinese learners learned Phonics could be influenced by the Chinese pinyin,especially the clarity of pronunciation, speech segmentation and knowledge of letters。 The teacher should use Chinese pinyin to help design the class (Zhou 9)。 An Yanyan used natural phonics teaching method grade five in primary school, enabling them to recognize the internal relationship between words and letters and letter combinations, and thus can improve their interest in learning English。 It can not only cultivate elementary student’s English。 Language learning interest but also strengthen pupils understanding and awareness of English books。 So, its application is necessary teaching spelling in the elementary school(An 15)。 Wang Kun think thought that Phonics can also cause a series of problems in children’s English learning。 By introducing Phonics and the impact of Phonics on children’s English teaching, it analyses problems in the process of children learning to spell, and gives parents some suggestions (Wang 17)。 In 1992, S Lloyd published the famous work: The Phonics Handbook。 In 1996, Wiley Blevins also published the book called: What is Phonics。 They both specifically elaborated the concept of “Phonics”, teaching strategies and teaching mode in their books。 While in Hong Kong, the impact and importance of “Phonics” has been widely recognized(Lo Rihong 11)。 来*自~优|尔^论:文+网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766*

















