2。 Literature Review

As a kind of new trend of modern education, micro lecture attracts extensive noticing of scholars at home and abroad。 Researches on micro lecture in foreign countries are more in-depth than that in China both on research contents and on research techniques。 In 2009, David Shieh wrote an article, in which he presented some different persons’ views about micro lecture, including heads of department, teachers, students and the like (Shieh A13)。 They all thought that micro lecture did has some advantages, but this teaching form was out of operation when classrooms need continuous discussion or need to explain complex process。 Finally, he came to a conclusion: to some degree, 60-second courses are very useful and efficient , but they can not replace everything。 In this article, he also gave several steps for making one-minute micro lecture。 However, David Penrose didn’t think so。 He presented the concept of micro lecture in 2008。 He thought that under the support of the corresponding assignments and discussion, effects of micro lecture is the same as traditional classes’。

Domestic researches on micro lecture started in 2010, gradually becoming the focus of scholars in 2012 and 2013。 Hu Tiesheng pided micro lecture’s development in China into three phases: following with interest in the building of micro lecture resources; following with interest in teaching practices of micro lecture; following with interest in construction of micro network class (Hu, Huang and Li 36-42)。 Lin Peng differentiated and analysed the concepts of micro lecture in his writings (Lin 22-24)。 He listed different interpretations of micro lecture from different people。 He analyzed that different people have different understandings about micro lecture with the development of it。 Wang Xiaodong expounded some basic traits in his essay, such as small capacity, short time, etc (Wang 35-37)。 He also pointed out the central feature was that micro lectures were mainly made for learners rather than teachers。 Li Qiaofang also unscrambled and summarized the research status of micro lecture interiorly (Li 15-17)。 The statistical data in her articles is that proportion of researches on definition and characteristics of micro lecture are 32。8%; proportion of researches on design and development of micro lecture are 18。8%; proportion of researches on applications of micro lecture are 9。4%, and others are 39。1%。 

The current researches about micro lecture in China mainly remain in a shallow level, such as definition and traits。 And researches on construction and implementation are relatively less。 Therefore, starting from micro-lecture concept and characteristics, the author will specifically illustrate the construction and implementation of micro lecture, combining with concrete English teaching in middle schools。 The construction and implementation of micro lecture use ADDIE model(Bu 90-93), including Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation。 In construction part, analysis, design and development are used。 Implementation and evaluation are used in implementation part。文献综述

3。 Overviews of Micro Lecture

3。1 Definition of micro lecture

In the current teaching activities and related works, different people have different views about what is micro lecture。 David Penrose, viewed as “a one-minute professor”, thought that micro lecture is the practical teaching contents, made of constructivism, and it’s purpose is online learning or mobile terminals learning。 He thought that micro lecture is the “Knowledge Burst”。 While Hu Tiesheng, originator of micro lecture in China, defined that in accordance with the requirements of new curriculum standard and teaching practice, micro lecture uses teaching videos as carriers to reflect the organic combination of all kinds of teaching resources, adopted by teachers for a language point or a teaching link (Hu Tiesheng 61-65)。 In general, micro lecture is a brief and complete teaching activity moving around some knowledge point or teaching link, which is carried out for students’ autonomous learning to receive the best effect。 Micro lecture is shown by streaming medias and designed meticulously。 It is in the form of autonomous learning。 The time of micro lecture is short, about 5-8 minutes, not more than10 minutes, and the nature of it is a whole teaching activity。

















