There have been some researches of The Kite Runner from different aspects。 Many people rely on the research of the Kite’s symbolism。 The image is different in different people’s ideas。 

Wang Jianrong analyzes the Kite image in the novel。 He puts forward that the Kite is a rich carrier with multiple metaphors。

For example, he thinks the Kite in the kite fighting is a symbol of courage that Amir pursues throughout his life。 The kite image shows Amir’s personality changes in different situations。 First of all, the kite symbolizes Amir’s ideal pursue of courage。 The kite flies in the sky becomes a symbol or an evidence of courage in Amir’s mind。 He determines to get the kite so that he can get praise and acknowledgement from his father。 Second, the kite image is an epitome of Amir’s childhood tragedy。 The evidence of courage is really held in his hands, however, he is trapped in the “fake courage”。 His cowardice defeats him to escape from saving Hassan。 Third, the kite image is a metaphor of the pursuit of spirit salvation。 He blends in with American and becomes a successful man in enterprise and mind。 Amir overcomes his shortcomings and gets self salvation finally。 (Wang Jianrong, 2009)文献综述

The Kite Runner tells about friendship, kinship, betrayal and salvation between two Afghan boys。 Many researches focus on the growth of the protagonist, Amir, abandonment and salvation。 The theme of growth has a long history and never fades its brilliant color in literature。 The growth novels show people experiences of others so that they can avoid problems in their life or they can deal with problems better。 So will people learn from The Kite Runner。 It is a typical growth novel and many scholars study the novel from the perspective of growth。 

In the novel, Amir betrays his friend Hassan because of his selfishness and cowardice。 He kept the guilt in his mind all the time。 Rahin Khan offered Amir the chance of getting rid of the guilt。 Amir gradually conquers his shortcomings and decides to save Solabo and himself。

 Zhou Ling says The Kite Runner is a typical bildungsroman which narrates setback and rebirth of the protagonist。 Two Kite Fights in The Kite Runner embody Amir’s frustration and rebirth or betrayal and salvation in his growth。 (Zhou Ling, 2011)

The betrayal and salvation in Amir’s growth promote readers’ growth of soul。 

Huang Qiuyan analyzes Amir’s growth from his betrayal and salvation。 She thinks that selfish and jealous personality leads to Amir’s betrayal and evil。 The betrayal shadowed Amir’s lightness in his mind。 Salvation helped Amir to get rid of shadow and take the brightness back。 (Huang Qiuyan, 2014)

Bai Yiping puts forward that the common thread of the novel is Amir’s growth, and he pides Amir’s growth into three phases。 From the soul growth, it can be pided into: innocence, betrayal and guilty。 It can also be pided into three phases according Amir’s salvation actions: escape, take responsibility and remedy。 (Bai Yiping, 2015)

    Zheng Suhua of Fujian University analyzes Amir’s growth of personality from the perspective of Freud’s theory of personality structure。 (Zheng Suhua, 2015)

Freud’s theory consists of three parts: the id, the ego and the superego。 The id is the original version of himself, including basic desire, impulsion and vitality for survival。 It promotes that people live according to their own principles without considering social morality。 (Sigmund Freud, 2013)来*自~优|尔^论:文+网 +QQ752018766*

    Zheng Suhua says that it is easy to find those features from Amir and he describes the id as the reason of Amir’s crime。 The superego aims at restricting one’s behaviors。 It advocates the ego to satisfy the id under the social morality。 Hassan and Mr Hurricane are described as perfect superego in his opinion。 He thinks that they leads Amir to a correct way and due to it, Amir is able to remedy himself。 The ego is conscious in Amir’s mind。 It helps the id to get satisfied and at the same time follow the social morality。 Zheng Suhua thinks Amir is a naive boy, he can realize his evil and guilty towards Hassan so that he can finish the action of saving Solabo and himself。 The theory of personality structure throughout Amir’s personality growth。 (Zheng Suhua, 2015)

















