3。 The Principles for Brand Name Translation

A good translated brand name must not only maintain the nature and the similar market influence of the original one, but also cater to buyers’ consumption psychology simultaneously。 Therefore, some principles are supposed to be taken into consideration for better translated trademarks。 

3。1 The Advertising Nature of Brand Name Translation

The brand name translation must accord with the commodity’s essence, embody the localization concept in the original text, and play an important role in product promotion。 Meanwhile, the brand name translation ought to correspond to the product features and strive for sweet pronunciation。 In addition, it should be advantageous in terms of spelling, reading, writing and remembering, and easy to leave buyers a good impression on the products。 For instance, “Forever” is the trademark of “(上海永久牌自行车)”。 It conforms to the marketing concept “经久耐用,直到永远” of the bicycle fully。 “汤臣倍健” was translated into “For Health By Health”。 Its translation manifests that the main function of this health care products is for customers’ health and its processing ways is natural and healthy, which conveys its marketing concept vividly and of course can attracts people’s attention 。 “蜂花(日用品牌)” is translated into “Bee&Flower”。 It seems that we can see cute images of bees and smell fragrance of flowers, thus it conveys the marketing concept well。 These translated brand names above bring the buyers appropriate feelings and surely they can also be accepted easily。

3。2 Inductive Principle for Brand Name Translation

The ultimate objective of brand name is to attract buyers’ attention, to meet their needs, to motivate their purchasing desire, and in the end, to serve with the purchase behavior。 Inductive principle of brand name is supposed to be considered as the key of brand name translation。 The American daily necessity commodity “Safeguard” is the most famous case of brand name translation under the guidance of inductive principle。 The translator did not transliterate it into the “安全卫士” or translate it literally to “安全保镖”or “安全管家”, but is freely translated。 The translator translated it into “舒肤佳” in order to embody the features of it。 Meanwhile, the translator used the name to manifest the very strong induction。 In general, the main consuming groups are women。 “舒肤佳” has met their needs and enticed them to buy。 Therefore, many women are willing to take out money。 “P&G(Protector&Gamble)” is translated into “宝洁”。 To sum up, in brand name translation, we must consider buyers’ consuming psychology carefully and translate finely, lofty, and briefly。 With the inductive principle we can attract the people’s interest and make them leave a deep impression to the buyers。来*自~优|尔^论:文+网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766*

3。3 Aesthetic Principle for Brand Name Translation

If the brand name translation leaves consumers a bad impression, even the good commodity cannot sell well, which asks the translator to consider the cultural and the historical perspective comprehensively。 For example, “Goldlion” (men’s clothes) is translated into “金狮”, instead of the homophonic one as “金失”, because that is the taboo of culture。 It is believed that if the translated name is used, the clothes will never sell well in China。 But “金利来” is popular brand name in China which has already been popular and accepted by consumers。 For another example, supposed there is a ship whose quality is good and price is not high, however if it is translated into “Titanic”, undoubtedly, no one may purchase it。 So when we translate brand names, we have to avoid the words which are tabooed by consumers carefully, and choose propitious names meticulously。

















