Abstract Film serves as one of the important ways of cultural transmission and its position has become increasingly prominent in daily life。 Humor itself is rooted in certain languages and cultural contexts while the English and Chinese languages have unique characteristics and cultural backgrounds that make humor translation become extremely difficult。 The thesis regards the loss of humor in translation as a starting point, combined with abundance of examples in the movie Guardians of the Galaxy to explore the problems in humor translation。 By thorough analysis, the thesis hopes to get people to know the subtitle translation of humor in film and television works and come to understand the importance of film subtitle translation。 It is found that translators should hold more rigorous attitude towards translation work and play a positive role in promoting the development and communication of the global film culture。75657


Keywords: humor translation; subtitle translation; Guardians of the Galaxy 




1。 Introduction1

2。 Literature Review1

2。1 A brief review on humor translation。。。2

2。2 Previous study on the movie Guardians of the Galaxy。。。3

3。 Analysis on Humor Translation in the Movie Guardians of the Galaxy。。。。4

3。1 Humor translation from linguistic factors5

3。2 Humor translation from cultural factors。。。。。。。。。。。8

4。 Conclusion。。。。。。10

Works Cited。。。12

1。 Introduction 

Humor is an indispensable part of life and the“lubricant”of interpersonal relationship。 It eases overwhelming force in interpersonal communication。 However, people’s   understanding of humor is not the same due to their disparate cultural backgrounds。

In cross-cultural communication, film serves as one of the important ways of cultural transmission and its position has become increasingly prominent in daily life。 Since the reform and opening policy in 1970s, people from different countries are eager to know the culture of other countries, which makes the film industry ushered in the spring。 Movie’s audiovisual function is designed to broaden people’s horizons, but the audiences often find that it’s hard to understand when they are watching films。 In order to overcome cultural and language barriers, good film subtitle translation is needed。 However, humor is often the most difficult text type to deal with。 Thus, a movie’s success depends largely on whether the elements of humor have been translated properly or not。 This thesis aims to study how to interpret humor and overcome language and cultural barriers in film and television works, so that even the dubbed films can also allow those audiences understand the humor in the original works 。

This thesis begins with a brief review on humor translation so as to make the readers have a better understanding about what humor really is。 Emphasis is also put on previous study on the movie Guardians of the Galaxy。 Chapter3 is concentrated on the analysis on humor translation in the movie Guardians of the Galaxy。 Humor translation will be mainly discussed in this Chapter, using abundant examples of movie lines to further study the reasons for the loss of humor in subtitle translation。 Chapter 4 draws some conclusions and puts forward some disadvantages。

















