2。3 Previous study on the movie Guardians of the Galaxy

Since the new type of films started combing superhero comics with Sci-Fi technology, it has been welcomed by audiences from all over the world。 Some scholars studied the new changes in the adaptation from comics into films on the basis of the movie Guardians of the Galaxy。 They pointed out that the super heroes in comics are always serious with righteous mainstream style。 However, in the movie the characters are funny and humorous just like normal people in the reality。 For the audiences, they are tired of watching the “god”-like super heroes who are far away from their lives。 Marvel’s adaptation not only possesses hallucinogenic sense of science fiction movies, but also makes the audiences have the sense of identity and novelty。 This is the key to the success of the movie Guardians of the Galaxy。 Superhero comics created countless superhero movies for the world and the screen will be filled with more righteous heroes and ultra-gorgeous dazzling effects。 The monotonous movie style makes the audiences fatigued。 But this movie uses non-mainstream second-tier heroes、bizarre comedy and misplaced nostalgic music to refresh the inherent style of adapted films。

In this thesis, some examples of subtitle translation in the film Guardians of the Galaxy will be discussed with the focus on humor translation。 This thesis will discuss how to improve the quality of film subtitle translation, and to help our audiences enjoy movie watching。 This thesis also aims to make people who have different nationalities and cultural backgrounds achieve a more profound understanding of other country’s humor so as to build a bridge for intercultural communication。来*自~优|尔^论:文+网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766*

 Guardians of the Galaxy is an American superhero film, adapted from the Marvel Comics series。 However, the discussion of humor translation in this film has never terminated since it was released。 The Translator, Jia Xiuyan, graduated from the PLA Art Academy, is an English translator of the post-80s generation。 Her representative works include Guardians of the Galaxy, Men in Black and Pacific Rim, etc。 The reasons for choosing this version of translation as an example are: Firstly, Jia Xiuyan’s works have always been received different judgments and caused much controversy。 Among them, Guardians of the Galaxy is of the most controversial, causing a lot of media attention and official reports。 Secondly, Jia Xiuyan is a typical representative of current subtitles’ translators。 Thus, this typical case has strong representation。 It is worth mentioning that different people have different views, this thesis doesn’t aim to criticize someone deliberately, but to carry out rational discussion on the film subtitle translation。 The main purpose is to make the translation industry pay more attention to subtitle translation in order to facilitate the standardization of film subtitle translation and to promote further cultural exchanges between China and the West。 

















