6。1Major findings 10

6。2Suggestions for further study。 11

Works Cited 12

1。 Introduction 

With the globalization further progressing, cultural exchange has become an increasingly important feature in international affairs。 Nowadays, the integration of Chinese and Western cultures has become an inevitable tendency。 However, how we manage to achieve the close and perfect combination of these two cultures is always the significant issue which needs further exploration from Chinese and foreign scholars in modern times。论文网

In the English translation of Chinese classical poetry, though the opinions from Chinese and Western scholars originated from philosophy and aesthetics, there are obvious differences between them in essence, as well as the differences in the level of attention。 How to utilize aesthetics in western culture to maximize reproduction of classical Chinese poetry characteristics in the process of translation is an important issue worthy of thinking, which is also an immediate and urgent problem needing to be solved。 It is also the main purpose of the paper。 

This thesis chooses Xu’s translation as the object, for his version represents one of the highest standards in the translation of ancient Chinese poems, and he has successfully translated many classical Chinese poems into English, always sparing no effort to reproduce aesthetic values。 Based on the theory that poetry translation is actually a kind of aesthetic activity, this thesis attempts to probe into the classical verse translation from a perspective of translation aesthetics。文献综述

The research paper mainly endeavors to provide possible answers to the following questions:

What is translation aesthetics in essence?

How important is aesthetics in the translation of ancient Chinese poetry?

To give a clear idea of this paper, a brief account of the structure is displayed here。

Part one is a brief introduction to the research background of the thesis。

Part two is the literature review which introduces the previous studies on English translations of ancient Chinese poems。

Part three narrates the connotation of translation aesthetics。

Part four and part five are the main body。 The characteristics of ancient Chinese poetry and the developments of ancient Chinese poetry translation are described in part four。 In part five, the aesthetic features of Xu Yuanchong's literary translation theory and certain typical Xu’s English translations of classical Chinese poems are displayed。

Finally, part six is the conclusion that aesthetics plays a significant role in theoretical and practical aspects of translation。 In order to make a translated text as perfect as possible, the author must have a clear understanding of the background and the implicated meaning of the context from the perspective of translation aesthetics。 Meanwhile, limitations and suggestions for further studies are discussed as well。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

2。 Literature Review

The Western and Chinese translation theories have experienced an unceasing development。 Various translation theories have come out, enriching the study of translation。 Translation is not just concerned with the linguistic study。 Philosophical approaches, historical approaches, culture-based approaches and system-based approaches, etc。 are frequently applied to the study of translation。 Aesthetics, due to its close relationship with literature, eventually becomes one of the research perspectives of translation。 In the tradition of the Western and Chinese translation theories, we may find that many translation theories are more or less in relationship with aesthetics。

















