Abstract Pragmatic failure is an inevitable phenomenon in cross-cultural communication。 It is common to fail or misunderstand the speakers’ rules and meanings in cross-cultural communication。 Some English learners often make pragmatic failures which express improperly or make the incorrect understanding。 The thesis is intended to introduce the pragmatic failure in general and analyze some causes of the pragmatic failure, and put forward the countermeasures, which can improve the pragmatic competence in the cross-cultural communication。75868

Keywords: pragmatic failure; cross-cultural communication; pragmatic  competence




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Analysis of Pragmatic Failure 2

3。1 Pragmatics, pragmatic Failure, cross-cultural communication 2

3。2 Influences of pragmatic failure 3

4。 Causes and Types of Pragmatic Failure 4

4。1 Causes of pragmatic failure 4

4。2 Types of pragmatic failure 6

5。Countermeasures of Pragmatic Failure 7

6。 Conclusion 10

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction 

When people of different cultures communicate, the first barrier is “language barrier”, especially when they don’t speak the same mother language, even if they speak the same mother language, the language barriers are still exist in many aspects, so it is common when the culture conflicts occur in the cross-cultural communication, this kind of conflicts usually reflects on the the pragmatic failure, which sometimes causing unnecessary understandings and confusions。 The English linguist Thomas(1983)pided the pragmatic failure into two categories: pragmalinguistic failure and sociapragmatic failure, the former one refers to the speakers who don’t follow the native-speakers’ habit, they express the words in a wrong way, or they don’t know the right way to express, some of them even influenced by the mother language (e。g。 Chinglish)。 The sociapragmatic refers to the speakers who don’t understand the culture of the target language which leads to the pragmatic failure。 To sum up, the pragmatic failure is caused by different social and culture backgrounds。 Learning a language is inseparable from its culture。 When learning a foreign or second language, the learners should not only learn the imitation of the pronunciation, grammar, words and idioms, but also learn to understand the ideas, customs, and behavior of the society, In other words, the speakers need to learn about the speaker’s culture so that we can communicate in the target language properly。论文网

This thesis analyzes the causes of pragmatic failure in the cross-cultural communication and presents some measurements in order to avoid the pragmatic failures。 Then we can use the correct words or phrases and understand the correct meaning in the cross-culture communication correctly。

2。 Literature Review

















