Works Cited 14

1。 Introduction

Huaiyang food culture is an important part of Chinese diet culture shining with great splendor(Zhang Yiming, 1995)。 However, there are only a few studies on external communication of Huaiyang Cuisine culture at present。 An important reason is the lack of research on translation of Huaiyang dish names and it has brought great difficulties to the dishes’ international communication。 Huaiyang Cuisine has a profound cultural connotation including its persiform dishes, skilled manufacturing process, rich aesthetic taste and values, etc。 The vacancy caused by this cultural connotation makes the English translation and the external communication difficult to carry on well。 Once handled worse, it’s uneasy for the target language users to grasp the meaning of the food name, let alone the brought profound cultural connotation。 The translators of source language should try to find strategies to solve the communication obstacles and barriers of cross-cultural contacts caused by cultural differences。论文网

Therefore, the paper will make a study on the English translation of Huaiyang Cuisine under the guidance of the theory of cultural vacancy and intercultural communication in order to put forward more reasonable and normative dish translation。 Meanwhile, the writer hopes to provide some enlightenment of dish translation for the translators and do her own strength to pass the essence of this precious food culture on the basis of summarizing the methods of dish name translation。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 Academic review

2。1。1 The process and status quo of Chinese dishes translation

Chinese diet culture occupies an essential position in Chinese traditional culture。 It plays the unparalleled role in international contacts。 Because the research on the English translation of Chinese dishes is a new field, there are not many academic studies in this area and there are only seven relevant articles in 1990s。 It is said that Liu Zengyu (1990) paid early attention to translating dish names。 He recommended the establishment of China Dish Translation Committee according to the translation chaotic situation at that time。 Chen Jiaji (1993) proposed several types of translation of Chinese dishes: realistic type, freehand type, semi realistic semi freehand brushwork, local style, allusive type and medicated type。 The following are the other articles about the research on translation of Chinese dish names:文献综述

Ge Zhengming (1995:40) found out the informative function of language and pointed out the purpose of menu translation, and he summarized two Chinese dish translation methods, namely literal translation and free translation。 Huang Haixiang (1999:18) regarded Chinese Cuisine as one indispensible part of traditional Chinese culture and explained the demands for dish name translation。 He also analyzed how to begin with translating the Chinese menus and provided the methods dealing with the problems in English translation。 Ren Jingsheng (2001:56) discussed some basic features of English translation of Chinese dish names in both oral and written situations。 Moreover, he showed some defects of several popular examples and offered improvements。 Liu Qingbo (2003:52) paid attention to the naming of the Chinese dishes and relations between the headword and the premodifiers or postmodifiers。 He made a suggestion that the principles of pragmatism, conciseness and transliteration should be followed in translation。 Xiong Liyou (2004) mainly presented functions of Chinese dish names and techniques applied in translation。 Huang Fang (2007) believed that the standard of accuracy and conciseness should be reached in the translation of Chinese dishes。

However, there are still some problems in the translation of Chinese Cuisine。 The writer finds out three typical problems。 Firstly, because of the complex Chinese dish naming and lacking uniform standard for translation, people can easily see that one cuisine has more than one English rendition, which makes readers confused。 Here are some examples: “Goubuli stuffed bun, Goubuli baozi” are the versions of “狗不理包子”。 “汤圆” is translated into “Pudding or Dumpling of ball”。 Versions for “麻婆豆腐” are “Bean curd with minced pork in hot sauce, Pock-marked grandma’s bean curd”。 Next, the translator’s unfamiliar cooking technology makes the translation of some dishes practices indistinct, such as “stew” and “braise”。 “清炖甲鱼” can be translated as “Braised soft-shelled turtle” or “Stewed soft-shelled turtle” which besets foreign friends a lot。 Last, on account of cultural differences, when people try to translate vocabulary with regional uniqueness and cultural characteristics in the source language into the target language, cultural vacancy phenomena will show。 Looking at the examples, “Goubuli Baozi”, “Gongbao chicken”, “Fotiaoqiang” can not be understood without any explanation。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















