3。1 The advantages of group cooperative learning 6

3。1。1Increasing students’ learning interest 6

3。1。2Increasing the fun in class 6

3。1。3 Improving students’ comprehensive abilities 7

3。2 The disadvantages of group cooperative learning 8

Chapter Four Strategies for the implementation of group cooperative learning in English class 9

4。1Dividing the groups 9

4。2 Determining groups tasks in class 10

4。3 Generating appropriate stimulating strategies 11

4。3。1 Showing the stimulation of group cooperative 12

4。3。2 Inspiring all students to take part in group cooperative learning 13

Chapter Five Conclusion 14

5。1 Main findings 14

5。2 Several suggestions for instant group cooperative learning’s development 15

References 16

A Brief Discussion on the Implementation of Group Cooperative Learning in English Class of Primary School

Chapter One Introduction

1。1 The background

With the advancement of new curriculum reform, the primary school English teachers pay more attention to the use of group cooperative learning as an effective teaching approach to complete a certain teaching task。 Cooperative learning is an educational approach which aims to organize classroom activities into academic and social learning experiences。 Students must work in groups to complete tasks collectively toward academic goals。 Unlike inpidual learning, which can be competitive in nature, students learning cooperatively can capitalize on one another’s resources and skills。 文献综述

At the same time, quality education has been advocated energetically today。 The cooperation consciousness and cooperation ability will also be an indispensable content of the education。 In the traditional education teaching, teachers and parents stress the competition between students’ personal strength but ignore the cultivation of their cooperation consciousness。 This kind of teaching way is not conducive to the growth of the students。 According to the research, when the students have graduated and go into the society, they will find that they lack of the emotional attitude rather than knowledge, such as the cooperation consciousness and the ability to work with people。 

1。2 The significance and purpose

Although the group cooperative learning as one of the three learning styles in the new curriculum reform has been widely used in class by the English teachers in the primary school, there have been many imperfections in the application process。 Therefore, it is particularly important to reflect on the application of group cooperative learning in the rural primary school English classroom。 Only through deep exploration and reflection, corresponding application strategies can be summed up by group cooperative learning, in order to improve its effectiveness in the elementary school English class。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

In this thesis, through the deep discussion of group cooperative learning, group  cooperative learning can well be applied in the classroom。 A team of bilingual teaching in primary school English classroom also can be implemented with advantages and application of strategies。 So it provide effective advice and help in order to promote the quality of English teaching。

















