Because English has only become a compulsory course in primary school for a short time, there are many problems in English courses in primary school in China。 To begin with, the purposes of students are not clear when they learn English。 At the same time, their learning motivation is weak and learning consciousness is poor。 

Secondly, schools don’t practice well。 Schools are lack of English learning environment and campus English culture。 The primary English teaching also lacks system and classroom configuration is organized disorder and so on。 These factors limit the quality and level of primary English teaching in China。 文献综述

Thirdly, the number of English teachers in primary school is quite limited。 On the one hand, the development of primary English teaching in our country starts late and our country has little enough experience。 On the other hand, there are no courses in universities which train primary English teachers。

Fourthly, traditional teaching methods make the classroom activities stiff and boring。 Traditional teaching methods adopt mechanical drills to teaching English, in which students can’t learn English happily。 

Fifthly, English subject in primary school don’t have high status。 Teachers can’t reach the teaching objectives because of the short teaching time。 The students will not review timely after class and they will forget the knowledge they have learned。 

In short, the existing problems in primary English teaching have hindered the development of primary English teaching。 

1。2 Significance

Story teaching method plays a decisive role in the period of primary English teaching。 It is generally known that curiosity and role-flaying are the innate nature of children。 The story teaching method is in line with the psychological characteristics of children, and effectively promotes the improvement of students’ comprehensive language ability。 Nowadays, most of classes are controlled by teachers, but the story teaching method makes students become the master of class, increases the discussion between students, improves the students’ ability of expression in English。 Classroom is activated by interesting stories which provide students with unlimited imagination。 Meanwhile, stories also develop the power of imagination。

Chapter Two  Literature Review来,自,优.尔:论;文*网 +QQ752018766-

Since the 1990s, story teaching method as a new teaching strategy has been widely researched and promoted at home and abroad。 Most studies have shown that it is an effective teaching strategy。 The earliest relatively using “story” in educational research is a famous child psychologist and educator Piaget, who put forward the moral aspects of two kinds of problems to study children’s moral judgment by telling stories。 In 2002, Caroline proposed the story teaching method from the angle of story role, which provides the students with an approach to explore the personal character and experience the life opportunity。 Casey in 2004 did a research on the improvement of children’s mathematics ability by six adventure stories。 A majority of foreign scholars apply experimental research and use a large number of research data to provide a scientific basis for the research results and the conclusions of the study are universal and have promotional value。 

















