To be specific, in this paper the following issues would be discussed:论文网

a)How to identify long Chinese-English English-Chinese sentences and what are their features and classifications?

b)What kind of major issues and difficulties would happen in interpretation?

c)What are the translation skills in detail?

Based on interpreting theories, note-taking methods and public speaking theories, these questions in the paper through case analysis will be answered/final conclusions and recommendations will be made。

II。 The Introduction of Sentences 

   Sentences are regarded as the unit of translation since they are the primary meaningful stretches。 A sentence is an independent semantic unit and has a complete syntactic structure。 Since interpreting activity is finished in a sentence level, it is also the semantic unit for people to interpret。

It is a very common thing to hear long sentences in interpreting activities, including economic forums, press conferences and international conferences。 It is a big challenge for confused interpreter in interpretations because long sentences are always characterized by complicated sentences and rich information。 On an account of this, interpreters must know clearly about the relevant knowledge of long sentences。 Therefore, it is beneficial for interpreters to improve their abilities about the classifications and characteristics of long sentences, and even to advance their qualities。 The classifications and features of long sentences follow。 

2。1 Classifications of Long Sentences

A sentence is a semantic unit which is composed of words and phrases and can express a complete meaning。 Sentences can be segmented into declarative, interrogative, imperative, or explanatory, which end with full stops, question marks or exclamation marks respectively by different intonation when writing。 Not come singly but in pairs, there are also pauses between sentences when speaking。 What is a long sentence? Long sentences refer to those that have a lot of words and complicated structures with multiple semantic meanings。 They are usually used in official documents, science and literacy, expositions discourse。文献综述

Generally, English long sentences are categorized into three parts, including long simple sentences, long compound sentences, long complex sentences and long compound-complex sentences according to the structure。 Firstly, long simple sentences are mainly formed from the short simple sentence, whose constituents are complex phrases or clauses rather than a word or a simple phrase。 Secondly, long compound sentences, embedded by some long simple sentences, are composed of three or more clauses with more than two levels in structures。 Therefore, they are more complicated with long simple sentences。 Thirdly, compared with the mentioned two types of long sentences, they are relatively more difficult in terms of the number of words, phrases and sentence structures。 The following cases are illustrated by a certain type。 

a: Times goes fast for one who has a sense of beauty, when they are pretty children in a pool and a young Diana on the edge, to receive with wonder anything you can catch!

b: 当你和可爱的孩子们站在池子里,又有个年轻的戴安娜在池边好奇的接受你捉上来的任何东西的时候,如果你懂得什么叫美的话,时间是过的很快的!

   The long simple sentence is composed of one main clause, two attributive clauses and one adverbial clause。 “Time goes fast”is the main clause and the central points in the sentence, so we translate according to Chinese sequence。

    a: The president said at press conference dominated by questioned on yesterday’s election results that he could not explain why the Republicans had suffered such a widespread defeat, which in the end would deprive the Republican Party of long-held superiority in the House。来`自+优-尔^论:文,网 +QQ752018766-

















