The characters in the book that interact with each other through language of letters to maintain personal and social links。 People set up and maintain personal and social connection in language of letters embodies the interpersonal function of language。            The interpersonal of function plays an important role in the establishment of the connection in society and personality。 Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the interpersonal function of the language of letters in the book。 The author of this paper will explore language of letters in Pride and Prejudice to illustrate how Jane Austen describes the character’s emotion in person, mood and modality and makes it more charming。 For one thing, it can help readers feel the charms of the work in a new perspective and provide solutions for the further research。 For another thing, by analyzing the interpersonal function of language of letters can give us some inspirations on how to use the interpersonal function of language to create present personal links better in our daily life。 Thus, the attention should be paid to the interpersonal function of language of letters in Pride and Prejudice。

This paper will focus on the interpersonal function of the language of letters in the work and this topic will be discussed from the following five parts。 Chapter one is an introduction, which presents a whole background of this research and the research significance。 Chapter Two introduces Pride and Prejudice which includes the main content of the book, the definition and features of language of letters in the work。 Chapter Three illustrates Halliday’s systematic-functional grammar。 Chapter four illustrates the realization of the interpersonal function of language of letters in Pride and Prejudice。 The last part summaries the research value of this paper。

The interpersonal function of language has a long history of development, and a great quantity of studies and applications to it have been presented at home and abroad。 Firstly, London school put forward to the concept of systemic-functional grammar。 Based on many ideas of the linguistic thought of London school, Halliday proposed and developed systemic-functional grammar, which was one of the most influential linguistic theories in the 20th century。 Halliday proposed the three metafunctions in the theories of Systemic Functional Linguistics。 The three metafunctions are ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function。 On the other hand, the study of the systemic-functional grammar prevailed from 1970s at home。 One of the representatives of the study is Hu Zhuanglin at home who has published Linguistics A Course Book。 As we all know, Pride and Prejudice is one of the remarkable works in the world’s literature。 Therefore, there are so many scholars who have studied the work in different views which include the attitude to marriage and love, the English Culture, and the writing technique。 However, the study has never been focused on the interpersonal function of language of language of letters in the work by the scholars。     来:自[优.尔]论,文-网 +QQ752018766-

II。 Pride and Prejudice

2。1 The Main Content of Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen was a women novelist of the 18th century, though she lived mainly in the nineteenth century for her works show clearly her firm belief in the predominance of reason over passion, the sense of responsibility, good manners and clear sighted judgement over the Romantic tendencies of emotion and inpiduality。 Based on her writings, Jane Austen made great contribution to English literature。 She was one of the most important Romantic novelists in English literature。 

And she created six influential novels。 Her main literary concern was about human beings in their personal relationships。 She made trivial daily life as important as the concerns about human belief and career and salient social events。 This is what makes her important in English literature。 Jane Austen had brought the English novel, as an art of form, to its maturity, because of her sensitivity to universal patterns of human behavior and her accurate portrayal of human inpiduals。 She described the world from a women’s point of view, and depicted a group of authentic and common women。

















