Instead of traditional grammar teaching methods, the flipped classroom is a pedagogical model where the typical lecture and homework of a course are totally different。 Students view short video lectures at home before the class session, while in-class time is employed to exercise, project, or discuss。 The video lecture is often regarded as the important element in the flipped approach。 These lectures are either created by instructors or chosen from an online repository。 While a prerecorded lecture can be an audio blog or other audio format, the relaxed environment which video can be accessed and watched today has made it so prevalent that the flipped model has become the identification of it。

In a traditional lecture, students often try their best to capture what speakers are saying。 They continue to recall what is being said and they may miss significant points because they are trying to transcribe the instructor’s words。 By contrast, the use of video and other prerecorded media puts lectures under the control of the students, therefore, they can watch, rewind, and fast-forward as needed。 This ability may be of particular value to students with accessibility concerns, especially where captions are provided for those with hearing impairments。 Lectures that can be viewed more than once may also help those for whom English is not their first language。 Spending class time to application of concepts may offer the instructor a better chance to find errors in thinking, particularly those that are widespread in a class。 At the same time, collaborative projects can encourage social interaction among students, making it easier for them to learn from one another and for those of varying skill levels to support their peers。 

II。 Common Approaches to English Grammar Teaching in Middle School

During the long period of foreign language teaching, it is the recognition of changes in the kind of proficiency that learners need that leads to changes in language teaching methods。 Of all the methods applied in the foreign language teaching, the most influential ones are the Grammar-Translation Method, the Situational Language Teaching, the Audiolingual Method and the Communicative Language Teaching Method。 Grammar in these different influential methods plays a different role。

2。1 Grammar-Translation Method

The principal characteristics of the Grammar-Translation Method are these: the goal of foreign language learning is to learn a language in order to read its literature, so reading and writing are the major focus。 Grammar-Translation is a way of studying a language that approaches the language first through detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by application of this knowledge to the task of translating sentences and texts into and out of the target language。 Grammar is taught deductively—that is, by the presentation and learning of grammar rules, which are exercised through practices of translation。 

Even though the Grammar-Translation Method often produce setback for students, it puts few requirements on teachers。 It is still extensively employed in situations in which the understanding literary text is the main focus of foreign language study。 What’s more, there is few needs for speaking knowledge of a language。 

2。2 Situational Language Teaching

Situational Language Teaching uses an inductive method to the learning of grammar。 The value of the structure is realized through explanation in neither the native tongue nor the target language, but is aroused from ways that the form is employed in the situation。 The new language points are practiced situationally。 The main characteristic of the approach is that items of grammar are graded following the principle that simple forms should be taught before the complex ones。 Reading and writing are showed once an enough grammatical basis is established。 He viewed grammar as the underlying sentence patterns of the spoken language。 Accuracy in grammar is regarded as crucial。 The visual element together with a carefully graded grammatical syllabus is a crucial aspect of Situational Language Teaching。 论文网

















